Subject: DowVision From: Harry Morris Date: Mon, 1 Nov 93 14:18:48 PST
How the Web Was Won
Subject: DowVision From: Harry Morris Date: Mon, 1 Nov 93 14:18:48 PST
Status: RO
Content-Length: 366
X-Lines: 13

   Date: Mon, 1 Nov 93 14:28:47 EST
   From: (Rex Ballard)


	   Just wanted to get this off to you to thank you for your time and
	   to confirm mail routing.  We need to try to work out a schedule.
           Please call me and/or return information via E-Mail

	   Rex Ballard
	   Dow Jones & Co, Inc

Hi Rex!  Works like a charm.

From jvncnet!!morris Fri Nov  5 16:22:46 1993