Subject: DowVision From: Harry Morris Date: Thu, 10 Feb 94 15:20:27 PST
How the Web Was Won
Subject: DowVision From: Harry Morris Date: Thu, 10 Feb 94 15:20:27 PST
Content-Length: 903
Status: RO
X-Lines: 25

   Date: Wed, 9 Feb 94 11:22:09 EST
   From: dowv! (Rex Ballard)

   I have some new DowVision tools, much easier to use and they pass
   certification "out of the box" with the exception of database functions.

   Should I send them to you or John?

   What is John's internet address?

Hi Rex.  Sorry I didn't mean to ignore your call.  I passed it on to Dan
Aronson, who is the engineer working on DowVision.  I've asked him to give
you a call.  We'll be happy to get your software!


Harry Morris                                    WAIS Inc                                 1040 Noel Drive
Chief Engineer                                  Menlo Park, CA. 94025
Wide Area Information Servers                   415-617-0441 FAX 415-327-6513

Home office:  415-731-2864

From jvncnet!!dan Mon Feb 14 11:00:18 1994