Subject: Re: Simultaneous Users--thanks, but... From: George W Frink -- Fayetteville Publishing Co Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 09:26:46 -0400 (EDT)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Simultaneous Users--thanks, but... From: George W Frink -- Fayetteville Publishing Co Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 09:26:46 -0400 (EDT)
To: Rex Ballard 
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	Thanks for a thoughtful, informative, helpful reply.  I appreciate
your sharing of long experience and sound advice. There is one 
misunderstanding I would like to clear up, however.  You commented with
(rereading my own original post) appropriate justification:

> If you are trying to circumvent legal and license restrictions - watch
> out!

	I have no interest in circumventing legal and license restrictions. 
I would not do that.  The question I was trying to raise had to do with 
technological limitations on the number of users supported per server by 
certain BBS software.  FirstClass and NovaTerm both run into limitations 
that have to do in part with the way they are implemented and in part 
with the Macintosh operating system.  I have found ways to circumvent 
those limitations, while as I said above paying all of the appropriate 
licensing and other fees.  But the path around those technological 
limitations has thus far produced other undesirable effects. Both 
SoftArc and ResNova are working on or plan new versions that will solve 
the problems, with ResNova's solution coming soonest.
> If you absolutely insist on going to an all-commercial platform, then plan
> a full $60,000 in license fees for every 100 users.  Is it worth it?
	 That's an interesting figure. Would you be willing to share with 
us a detailed example price list?
George Frink

From jvncnet!!owner-online-news Mon Sep 26 19:07:18 1994