Subject: Re: Acrobat vs Mosaic (was Re: News-on-demand email vs login-to-get) From: jvncnet!MIT.EDU!solman Date: Mon, 24 Oct 1994 01:59:49 EDT
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Acrobat vs Mosaic (was Re: News-on-demand email vs login-to-get) From: jvncnet!MIT.EDU!solman Date: Mon, 24 Oct 1994 01:59:49 EDT
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> The algorythm for DES has been public for years.  The security is still
> quite adaquate even using 64 bit keys.
> I've often suspected that the main reason for keeping RSA secret is that
> it would be discovered that there was little technical superiority of RSA
> over DES.
> 	Rex Ballard
> 	Personal Posting


A) DES uses 56 bit keys.
B) DES has become quite crackable and is no longer suitable for very high
   security applications. For ordinary use, it is still quite secure but
   that is changing rapidly as computers become more powerful and it
   becomes easier and easier to run programs in the spare cycles of many
   computers sharing wide area networks. Triple DES is more than adequate.
C) RSA is extremelly public and has been so for many many years.
D) RSA is a public key algorithm and DES is symmetric, they are totally
   different animals.


From jvncnet!!owner-online-news Mon Oct 24 13:29:58 1994
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