Subject: Re: PDF limitations From: jvncnet!!bskeet (Bill Skeet) Date: Thu, 20 Oct 94 00:35:21 MDT
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: PDF limitations From: jvncnet!!bskeet (Bill Skeet) Date: Thu, 20 Oct 94 00:35:21 MDT
Content-Length: 1137
Status: RO
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>From Rex Ballard:

>There are actually several factors in terms of subliminal effects.  The
>scroll strategy of the display can also be a factor.  Scrolling screen is
>harder to read than sweeping pages, but sweeping pages can't be reversed.

I think you are right about this, but there were some studies done on
text--words moving *across* the screen where the reader focused on an area
or "window" of the screen as words passed by.. This "RSVP" approach found
as fast or faster reading times as compared to paper.

This research intrigues me because it demonstrates that, given the right
presentation model, reading on screen may be optimized.

However, I don't want to provide false hope. The study strikes me as a
laboratory demonstration and translating it into a useful, practical
application for online publications might be difficult.

The research was done by Jim Juola at the University of Kansas. I can
provide more info if anyone is interested.

Bill Skeet

(RSVP stands for Rapid Serial Visual Presentation...I think)

Bill Skeet
Knight-Ridder Information Design Lab
Boulder, CO  80302

From jvncnet!!owner-online-news Thu Oct 20 10:48:42 1994
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To: Rex Ballard