Subject: Re: Copyright Issues From: Rex Ballard Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 12:45:55 -0400 (EDT)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Copyright Issues From: Rex Ballard Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 12:45:55 -0400 (EDT)
To: jvncnet!!mperton@dowv
In-Reply-To: <>
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One thing to note:

Limited distribution rights are much easier to negotiate beforehand.  A
single download for a single user of one article could cost as much a
$10/kilobyte.  A news feed, distributed to 25,000 users over a corporate
LAN can be as little as $2/user/month.  Clarinet only charges
$1/user/month for additional users.  Most major distributers are working
toward flat-rate pricing of large volume distribution.  The assumption is
that every single user will not read every single article.  If we can
provide enough value to groups of users, it's more practical to increase
circulation than to risk copyright violations.  Within that subscription
domain, distribution may include articles being "Clipped and Dressed" by a
corporate librarian, or e-mailed to every user by an electronic broadcast
media.  The simple fact of finite storage and time reduces the issue to
one of how much information will be useful.  You may pay more for
presentation, consolidation, and storage/distribution.  Some vendors will
even reformat the stories into word processor format, complete with
publication banner, headline, content in four colunms, and see-also
information, it just costs a little more.

From rexb Tue Oct 18 13:27:51 1994