Subject: Re: Electronic Editor From: Rex Ballard Date: Mon, 24 Oct 1994 15:31:49 -0400 (EDT)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Electronic Editor From: Rex Ballard Date: Mon, 24 Oct 1994 15:31:49 -0400 (EDT)
To: Gordon Steen 
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On Wed, 5 Oct 1994, Gordon Steen wrote:

> From: Gordon Steen ,
> Re: Part-time Editor/Writer
> As a new addition to this list, I was attracted by the offer of 
> discussion on how to recruit for new ventures. I am working on 
> a publication for the Web and I was wondering what the best way 
> is to attract good writers/editors to a new project. I have 
> thought about advertising in the local papers 
You want to find people who are already comfortable with this media. 
Online writers read their news online.

> (Baltimore/Washington), but I don't find that an appealing 
> avenue for attracting the type of person that I am looking for. 
> I am not really offering someone a job. I am looking for 
> someone to work with that would be interested in the project. 
> What I feel I have to offer is access to a unique publishing 
> venture for someone that might not otherwise have this 
> opportunity.  Any ideas would be appreciated.
Get on the news groups and read.  Look for strong and contriversial
personalities capable of posting articulate copy.  In addition to myself,
there are people like Oded Feingold, Gene Spafford, and several others.

For news content, remember that most of the "headline news" is already
available through several channels.  The "value add" (equivilent of layout
and design) will be in how you organize and search/sort your stories.

> Gordon Steen

From rexb Mon Oct 24 16:38:16 1994