Subject: Re: Hello From: jvncnet!!softron (Softronics) Date: Sun, 13 Feb 94 22:27 EST
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Hello From: jvncnet!!softron (Softronics) Date: Sun, 13 Feb 94 22:27 EST
To: dowv!rexb (Rex Ballard)
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.3 PL0]
Content-Length: 866
Status: RO
X-Lines: 18

Hi Rex...
Ok, lot's o questions...I've got some answers too.  The version of our
Softerm w/slip is available on our BBS, Compuserve, America Online, and
some ftp servers, most notably  It's shareware, (can ya
beleive it?)  I don't think anyone offers SLIP as shareware...
	I guess the Dow Jones thing would not be out of the question, you see
we've already got one.  DEvoloped for Nasdaq.  It has it's own font set
taken from the ansi fonts and modified to include all the strange
characters.  It might even be in the shareware version, I can't remember
offhand...  We've got a most powerful BBS system gotta see it.
It's still the same number...719-593-9295.  going to 32 lines soon.  It's
got 16 so far...16 of the lines will be 24,000 baud, the rest will be a
measly 14.4.
Keep in touch...
Dennis Bazell Softronics TEch Assistance

From jvncnet!!softron Thu Dec 30 16:50:53 1993