Subject: Re: Tools Delivery From: "Mike Rauch" Date: Wed, 11 May 94 20:31:13 -0500
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Tools Delivery From: "Mike Rauch" Date: Wed, 11 May 94 20:31:13 -0500
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This letter seems to imply that there is an internal problem within our 
group. If that is what you are saying, then it is inappropriate to send 
copies to Greg Gerdy and his group. 

I thin it might be worthwhile for you to llok into setting up a source 
management system for the tools. With that, you will know who has 
modules signed out. If someone has modules signed out, then your base 
could be considered out of date.

Lets talk on Friday. I will be out Thursday picking up my son.

>DATE:   Wed, 11 May 94 14:58:03 EDT
>FROM:   Rex Ballard 
>I need to deliver the most recent revisions of the DowVision toolkit
>to about 15 alliance developers.  There seem to be descrepancies between
>what I am receiving to deliver to customers and the most up to date working
>What is needed to have an inventory of reliable product available?
>Let me know how I can help you.
>	Rex Ballard

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