Date: 27 May 94 10:28:57 EDT
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5/27/94 8:20 a.m. Hi Rex; I finally picked up your message on CompuServe last
night. Why do I have to pay $ .15 postage due? Anyway, it was sure great
talking with you last weekend. You may not recall, but Ruth Garmen was our
secretary at work who took me to an EST meeting and also had me attend her
Christmas party with all her EST friends. It was another time I knew I was out
of place with the mind & body of an alcoholic. Ruth committed suicide a few
months later. I hope you can appreciate my concern for you and your continued
good health. You SOUNDED good...just don't be the actor, please? I guess I
should write a letter. Right now, I need to get to work on the yard and other
chores. I love you and I am proud of you. Keep growing spiritually. My
exposure to EST indicated they ruled out the spiritual life A. A. would have me
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