Subject: Welcome to rsi From: jvncnet!!Majordomo Date: Mon, 23 May 1994 13:32:21 -0400
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Welcome to rsi From: jvncnet!!Majordomo Date: Mon, 23 May 1994 13:32:21 -0400
Reply-To: jvncnet!!Majordomo
Content-Length: 7523
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Welcome to the rsi mailing list!

If you ever want to remove yourself from this mailing list, send the
following command in email to "":

    unsubscribe rsi (Rex Ballard)

Here's the general information for the list you've subscribed to, in
case you don't already have it:

You have reached the RSI Network Newsletter, created and
edited by Caroline Rose with help from Craig O'Donnell.

The RSI Network Newsletter uses a moderated list, and the
list is for distribution only. You cannot post messages.

The Newsletter is for people who suffer from workstation,
mouse, or keyboard-related injuries to the shoulders, neck,
arms, wrists, etc. It comes out every 2 months,  direct to your 
email address.

By mailing to the automatic "majordomo" program which
is running on The World, you can add or drop yourself 
from the RSI Network Newsletter list.

Please contact Craig if you would like to submit something
to the RSI Network Newsletter (see below).

Getting On the List: subscribing
Send a mail message to:

The Subject doesn't matter. Put this into the body
of your message just as it appears here:

  subscribe rsi

Getting Off the List: unsubscribing
Send mail to:

The Subject doesn't matter. Send the message:

  unsubscribe rsi

Help With Majordomo
Send mail to:

Send the message:


Alternate Plans; Submitting Stuff to the Newsletter
I can add you manually if you send mail to me at:

This is also the address you use to submit material to the Newsletter 
or ask a question. Craig O'Donnell, the Electronic Editor, will try to 
reply to you (time and wrist pain permitting).

  If you're a journalist or writer who wants more
  information, you may call 617-776-2809 and leave a 
  message for Craig.

How to Get RSI Network Newsletter Back Issues
Many subscribers wonder where back issues are kept. Issues are only
available in electronic form. Each Newsletter includes a listing
of current sources. Here are Internet-accessible sites.

RSI-East Archives:
  This is a part of the St. John's University Electronic Disability 
  Resource Center. 
  Type "gopher" (without the quotes) at your
  unix prompt and browse around.

The World:
  Log onto  by ftp or gopher. Look in directory: 
  Both Macintosh and PC-formatted text (ASCII) are available.
  Macintosh StuffIt and PC .ZIP files are available.

  For Mac users:
      Back issues are gathered in one archive, RSINET.SEA, in the
      "Reference" library (GO ZMC:DOWNTECH). The latest Newsletter is
      in the same library (for example, Issue 10 is "RSI10.SIT"). Use
      keyword "RSI" to locate archives and single issues.
      To index, browse, and copy from collected setext documents, use
      Easy View, in the "Applications" library (GO ZMC:DOWNTECH) under
      filename EASYVW.SEA.
  For DOS and Windows users:
      Issues 1-10 have been gathered in one summary, RSI.ZIP, 
      (GO PBSHOM, Library 7). Later Newsletters (ASCII) are in the 
      same library (for example, Issue 11 is "RSI11.TXT"). Use 
      keyword "RSI" to locate archives and single issues.

Online Services and BBSes
  Back issues are also available to America On Line, GEnie, AppleLink,
  eWorld, and Delphi subscribers. The Newsletter is also on Planet
  BMUG BBS in Berkeley, BMUG Boston BBS, and other places we don't
  know much about.

The RSI Network Electronic Newsletter Topic Index
In Issues 1-17, June 1991 to April 1994 we have 

#1, 2 & 3/June, August, October 91
  Hardware, Software, Books
  Questions From Readers
  Long-term Disability
  How To Earn A Living
  Trigger Release Surgery
  Doctors, Lawyers, Indian Chiefs
  The Special Technology Center
  Ergonomic Resources, Employment Services  
#4/December 91
  Trigger Release Surgery: Update
  Ergonomic Resources
  Long-term Disability
#5/April 92
  Doing Research on RSI
  Is There A Solution?
  Wrist Rests or Forearm Supports?
#6/June 92
  Voice Recognition & Word Prediction
  Resources For Mac Users
  Jennifer's Story
* Beginning with Issue 6, each Newsletter contains
* a list of Support Groups and sections covering 
* Member Letters, Reading, Hardware and Software, 
* and Resources (associations, libraries, and
* the like).
#7/August 92
  Iontophoresis: Hope For RSI Sufferers?
  S.F. Bay Area Ergonomics Showroom
  Pain Relief: Aqua-Relief Pads
  Reading Hands-free: The Able Table
  Mouse Relief: Easy Access
  Americans With Disabilities Act
  Status of RSI Lawsuits
  Hormones and RSI
  CTS And Nerve Compression
#8/October 92
  Input Devices
  Hypercard Stack On Preventing RSI
  Yari's Story
#9/December 92
  RSI TV special
  Input device news
  Impressions of the DataHand
  Massage Therapy and Tai Chi
  Myofascial pain
  Job accommodation
#10/February 93
  OLO Rolling Scissors
  Adjustable Keyboard & New Mouse From Apple
  Keystroke-Savers: Quickeys and Prokeys
  Robin's Story
  Subscription Information/Back Issues
#11/April 93
  Comfort Keyboard: First Impressions
  Kurzweil Voice Input Software for the PC
  RSI Video Price Drop
  Sharon's Story: Vocational Rehabilitation
  FTP & Internet Archive Sites
#12/June 93
  Macintosh Disability Resources Stack: New Contact
  Arthritis Self-Help Products
  "Good Grips": Tip From A Reader
  Sports Touch Herbal Healing Balm
  June SIGCHI Meeting in Boston
  Lauretta's Story
#13/August 93
  Are Exercises Safe?
  Geoff's Story
  "Mary's" Story: Fibromyositis
#14/October 93
  Looking For A Doctor?
  L. L. Bean's Convertible Field Bag
  More Products
  An Exercise Reminder
  PC Users: ErgoLogic Keyboard
  Handeze Gloves
  RSI Network Newsletter on CD-ROM
  Eric's Story  
#15/December 93
  Ergonomic Keyboards
  Onsight Technology Education Services
  Voice Recognition: Sun and PC
  Maree's Story
  A Story Of Recovery
  Electronic Resources
  RSI Network Newsletter by Gopher
#16/February 94
  The Feldenkrais Method
  Products, Services & Practitioners
  PC Voice Recognition Price Reductions
  Ergonomic Furniture
  Products For Everyone
  Sharon's (Follow-up) Story: Myofascial Pain Syndrome

#17/April 94
  Hardcopy of Newsletter?
  The "Double Crush"
  RSI & Stress
  Ergonomic Workstations: Increased Productivity
  DragonDictate: New Upgrades, New Pricing
  The sWORD (Yes, That's How It's Spelled!)
  Richard's Story: Qi Gong
  Doctors, Lawyers, Indian Chiefs: Referrals


## 4/29/94
## 5/03/94

From jvncnet!!owner-online-news Mon May 23 13:23:21 1994
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