Subject: Unigroup Meeting UNIX EXPO'94 From: jvncnet!!unilist (Unigroup of New York) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 94 02:46 EDT
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Unigroup Meeting UNIX EXPO'94 From: jvncnet!!unilist (Unigroup of New York) Date: Thu, 29 Sep 94 02:46 EDT
Status: RO



   Subject:  Unigroup Meeting - Greater NYC Area's UNIX Users Group

      When:  Wednesday, October 5, 1994		<===== Special Day & Time

     Where:  UNIX EXPO NEW YORK 1994

	     Jacob Javits Convention Center

	     Meeting Room 1E08

      Time:  After the show:

	     5:30 PM - 5:45 PM  Introductions, Questions,
				(waiting for people to arrive).

             5:45 PM - 6:00 PM  Unigroup Business,
			        Uniforum Affiliation and
				Joint Membership Program,
				"What's interesting at UNIX Expo".

             6:00 PM - 8:00 PM  Main Presentation:

     Topic:  Exploring the Internet using the World Wide Web

	     The World Wide Web or WWW initiative has brought the
	     vast universe of information that is available on the
	     internet to the user's desktop.  WWW browsers, through
	     their use of Hypertext Links, simplify movement around
	     the vast Web which consists of WWW, Gopher, FTP and other
	     internet information servers.  Some common WWW browsers
	     are Lynx (text mode interface) and Mosaic (graphical
	     interface).  WWW server and browser software is publically
	     available from various sources such as NCSA and CERN.
	     Mosaic, for example, is available for many platforms
	     including Unix X-Windows and MS-Windows.

  Speakers:  To be announced, awaiting final confirmations.

	     We have two speakers in the works for this meeting, one a
	     well known publisher and author and another who has put
	     together and has been operating an internet WWW server.

      Fees:  The UNIX EXPO meeting are FREE and open to the public!

		Yearly Membership:				$ 50.00
		Single Meeting:					$ 20.00
		Student Yearly Membership:			$ 20.00
		Student Single Meeting:				$  5.00
	==>	Uniforum/Unigroup Joint Yearly Membership	$110.00
		Cash, Check, American Express.

	==>	Unigroup is the Greater NYC Regional Area Affiliate
		of Uniforum - an International Unix Users Group.
		Our Joint Membership Program gives you full membership
		in both organizations for a discounted price.

	Please mark it on your calendar and join us for the meeting.
	Please tell your friends about Unigroup!


2.	UNIGROUP AT UNIX EXPO '94 - October 4th - 6th 1994

	Unigroup Booth:

	Unigroup is exhibiting at UNIX EXPO 1994 at
	Booth 2076 in the User Group Pavilion of the show.

	Please stop by our booth and say hello!

	Unigroup Booth Volunteers:


	Unigroup needs people to help us staff the booth for all three days of
	the show.  If you can donate an hour or a day... please let us know!
	Thanks for your help!

	Volunteers please call Rob Weiner ASAP:
		Voice: 718-648-6902 (Programming Plus)

	Unix Expo Show Hours:

		Unix Expo '94 is held at the Javits Center in NYC,
		October 4th - 6th, 1994.

		Tuesday    October 4th  11:00am - 5:00pm
		Wednesday  October 5th  10:00am - 5:00pm
		Thursday   October 6th  10:00am - 4:00pm

	Important Notes:

	The UNIX EXPO Show Managers have indicated that Advance Registration,
	Exhibits Complementary Guest Passes will be accepted ON-SITE!

	Unix Expo Electronic Online Registration provided by the show management:

		Register via Sprint:
		1.	Dial 212-645-0560	(2400,ANSI,7,E,1)
		2.	After connect, press @ ENTER ENTER
		3.	At the @ prompt, type: MAIL
		4.	Username: REGISTER
		5.	Password: ONLINE
		6.	Command:  COMPOSE UNIX
		7.	Answer questions

		Register via Internet:
		1.	Telnet to
		2.	Username: REGISTRATION
		3.	Password: ON-LINE
		4.	Select Unix Expo
		5.	Answer questions



	Sep 1994	(Move meeting to UNIX EXPO in Oct. to avoid holidays)
	Oct 1994	Special Event - Meeting at UNIX EXPO in NYC.

			Topic:	Exploring the Internet using the World Wide Web.

			The Unigroup Meeting will be after the show on
			Wednesday, October 5th, 1994.

	Nov 1994	DNS - Internet Domain Name System

	Jan 1995	Sendmail

	Mar 1995	NFS and NIS+

	We are also working on meetings on Privacy, Encryption & Security.

	* We need VOLUNTEERS to help out at our booth at UNIX EXPO. *

	* If you can help, please let us know.  We also need help arranging
	  speakers for our meetings, please let us know if you come across
	  some good speakers or interesting topics you would like to see
	  presented at our meetings.

	* Unigroup is NOT charging admission fees to our Special-Event meeting
	  at Unix Expo (although we do hope attendees will enjoy the meetings
	  and join the group).

	* As always, Unigroup had provided our membership with Complimentary
	  Admission Passes to UNIX Expo.



Thanks to Chemical Bank, Unigroup holds regular meetings planned for
the Third THURSDAY of Odd Months at Chemical Bank, 55 Water Street, NYC.
Planned meeting dates are: 10/5/94 (Unix Expo), 11/17/94...
Watch for our Special Event meetings at the various trade shows in NYC.

Up-to-date Unigroup announcements may be received from the following sources:
 With a modem, dial 212-787-4270 and login as 'unigroup',
 or send any EMail message to jpradley!unigroup or,
 or via uucp: "uucp jpradley!~unigroup/meeting" ; 212-787-4270 ; login: ugny

For information not obtainable from these sources, you can call (voice)
 J.P. Radley at 212-391-9100.

To renew your dues, pay your yearly membership or for general information,
 contact Unigroup of NY by USmail:
	Unigroup of New York, Inc., G.P.O. Box 1931, New York, NY 10116-1931

For further information or to get on the Unigroup Electronic Mail Mailing List
 send an Email message to:  or  uunet!!unilist


I hope to see you all at Unigroup's October 1994 meeting...

-Rob Weiner
 Unigroup Executive Director

From jvncnet!!wilt@dowv  Ukn Sep 30 02:35:13 1994
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To: Rex Ballard