Subject: Re: server or e-mail From: jvncnet!!emv Date: Tue, 19 Apr 94 23:31:43 EDT
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: server or e-mail From: jvncnet!!emv Date: Tue, 19 Apr 94 23:31:43 EDT
In-Reply-To: Your message of Thu, 28 Apr 94 10:04:04.
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  They may also want to track any new information on that subject, especially
  if it is a rapidly changing and emerging market/product/service.
  How that information is retrieved is of very little interest to the person
  pointing, clicking, and typing.  For all they care, elves could type the
  information back very quickly and they would be happy.
Some days, I put my money on the elves.  You are also after answers to
some set of questions which have not been covered by reporters or
corporate press releases, and no amount of clever search engines will
pull out answers that are not in the source text.  This is especially
true of the chain of article processing that evolves into stories
printed in daily newspapers on a deadline.

Super high powered search engines are only one part of a complete
information diet.  There are quite a bit of details in any emerging
market where knowing how and where to ask the right question of the
right collection of people will yield many better results than any
possible mechanical query on existing texts.

  They also don't want to have to pay a lot for what they get, or
  spend a lot of time reading stuff they aren't interested in.  The
  trick is really -- picking the best 20 stories out of 30 million
  stories and delivering it withing 2 seconds. 

Or picking the 20 best elves to ask and getting a response in the next
day or two...

  	Rex Ballard.
  Edward Vielmetti, vice president for research, Msen Inc.
Msen Inc., 320 Miller, Ann Arbor MI  48103 +1 313 998 4562 (fax: 998 4563)

From jvncnet!!owner-online-news Fri Apr 29 13:20:32 1994
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To: dowjone!rexb (Rex Ballard)
Subject: Re: server or e-mail From: jvncnet!!emv Date: Thu, 28 Apr 94 14:10:05 EDT
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: server or e-mail From: jvncnet!!emv Date: Thu, 28 Apr 94 14:10:05 EDT
In-Reply-To: Your message of Thu, 28 Apr 94 10:04:04. <>