Subject: Re: 'What, Me Worry' about real estate classified online From: "Michael S. Garber" Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 10:10:18 -0500
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: 'What, Me Worry' about real estate classified online From: "Michael S. Garber" Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 10:10:18 -0500
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bill wilt wrote:
> -----------> This message was posted to the ONLINE-NEWS list. <-----------
> Responding to Steve's post:
> >My argument would be that a home sale is simply too complex for the agent
> >to get pushed out of the picture for the majority of sales. I forget who
> >gave me this tidbit, but the typical home sale and loan process is touched
> >by more than 40 people. (Having gone through it myself, I'm inclined to
> >believe that figure.) 
> >
> Imagine if Gate's effort and Intuit's to become a mortgage lender were effectively focused, and the web-site had "time-management" or scheduling tools, and credit-worthiness checking tools, to help bring down the number of hands touching the process, or to have them all connected, focused at a web-site.
> Wouldn't that make a dent in current practices.
> bw
The crux of the matter is that if the information is in a database the
technology exists to make any transaction easy, even buying a house.
Forget about Bill Gates. Just get the local on-line classified service
hooked up with the banks or mortgage companies and throw somebody into
the mix (a Realtor) who can work with an Internet savvy programer and
you can reduce the process down to filling out a few on-line forms.
These will process financing, check credit and move the money. Viola
house bought. 

If a house is on the market it is listed. You as a buyer find some that
match your profile and go visit(virtually in some cases). All houses
listed could have a portable internet connected computer terminal.
Something like a small automatic teller in a phone both that could be
moved to different locations easily. You like it. Punch in the requested
info and press buy.

May seem a little far fetched but something like to this will happen.
The Realtor could still be in the picture as the transporter and
guardian of the computer link. Tech Realtors will emerge who specialize
in profile matching and communication by e-mail.

One of the main reasons it will happen is to eliminate those 40 people
in the process.
Michael S. Garber * click below for business card * Mexico Communicates
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