Subject: RE: I am empowered by everything you say and do.I am empowered by From: "Fulcher, Ray" Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 08:56:40 -0500
How the Web Was Won
Subject: RE: I am empowered by everything you say and do.I am empowered by From: "Fulcher, Ray" Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 08:56:40 -0500
	 everything you say
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	Robyn, when you say "I need a 24-hour coach with absolute
wisdom; any
	applicants?" it seems to me that there may be some joking in
what you say and some seriousness.

	I suggest that a "24-hour coach with absolute wisdom" may not be
available. However, what may be even more useful is available: a
community of coaches participating in and creating an empowering

	Within a community of coaches we can generate from the
Partnership field conversations for extraordinary relationship for your
(and VIP's) empowerment and be empowered by that.

	Are you a request for coaching from a Partnership community of
coaches for extraordinary relationship?

	I offer to be part of that community of coaches. 

	Each voice has something unique to contribute to this
conversation. Each of us have Category 2 (what is laying around to be
said) conversations to say about and for relationship. As a community we
will invent new conversations for extraordinary relationship.

	Are there any others here that will also offer to be part of
that community?

	With great love,

Ray Fulcher

	From:  robyn jamison []
	Sent:  Friday, July 17, 1998 1:06 AM
	Subject:  Re: I am empowered by everything you say and do.I am
empowered by everything you say

	Your sharing is incredible.  I've had the best/worst days since
the weekend.  The
	distinctions show up, alternately, as completely inaccessible or
bullshit or some
	ideal or ...who knows?  Meanwhile, what I'm mostly present to is
being totally
	unnerved, rug-pulled-out and upset.  I know there were at least
a few people who
	dropped out of the course just before our fifth weekend - I can
actually get how
	that would seem like a viable option in the face of this

	I took on the empowerment stand in my relationship with Vip, and
within three
	days, I was completely convinced that I should, in self-defense,
quit having
	anything to do with him.  I need a 24-hour coach with absolute
wisdom; any

	Meanwhile, the background is that there is infinite possibility
in the field we
	can designate Partnership; it's just that, well, the inhabitants
are (don't say
	it) human beings.  I'm in the process of reconciling that for
myself.  My own
	humanity is only now starting to become acceptable to me.

	As Ray says, With great love,
	Robyn wrote:

	> Ina here:
	> I've been ruminating over the thought "I am empowered by
everything you say
	> and do."  It's a toughie.  Kathy's email got me going on it
last night and
	> today while I was driving to customers etc.  I promise you
there are a lot of
	> things that people have been doing and saying since Sunday
that don't look
	> like empowerment to me.  So now, I say, either the quote is
bull or there's
	> somewhere else to look.
	> So here's where I'm looking.  Everyone in my life is a teacher
here to teach
	> me my lessons in this life.  Now if this Princess Brat had her
way, all my
	> lessons would be sweet and gentle like a summer's ocean
	> Unfortunately, it's not necessarily the way the universe
works.  And not
	> necessarily the way to have your lessons learned.
	> So what if everything you do or say empowers me is literally a
stand.  Then
	> "hard" lessons, like abuse, or pain, also empowers me.  Why?
Because I said
	> so.  It's like learning to embrace what's present.  The
example that came to
	> mind today was pain.  Either emotional or physical, but the
one I'll talk
	> about is physical.  I don't like pain.  It ain't my
preference.  But after the
	> car accident I was in chronic pain for 7 years.  And you learn
to live with
	> it, like learning to live with "being cute" or brown eyes or
the ilk.  And in
	> the learning to live with it (whatever "it" happens to be),
you grow.  And
	> you're empowered.
	> Physical pain is something we avoid like the plague.  And I
suspect we all
	> avoid anything that looks like any kind of pain.  Like
rejection.  Especially
	> rejection.  We fail to communicate to avoid rejection, and of
course the irony
	> is that the act of avoiding communication usually causes more
pain than the
	> original communication would havae caused.
	> So there may be lessons which come out of pain.  And you are
empowered (and
	> maybe don't like it!)  But you are empowered -  if you
surrender to your
	> lessons - if you take on your lessons like a practice.  If
it's in front of
	> me, then it's there for me to learn.  The longer I resist the
lesson, the
	> longer it persists.  Once I surrender to the lesson, learn it,
then the
	> appearance of similar incidents don't carry the same whomp of
the original.  I
	> am not as devastated or upset by the presence of the affect of
the lesson.
	> It's simply "Oh, there it is again.  Interesting.  What more
is there to
	> learn?"
	> So I'm looking at empowerment more from the vantage point of a
zen master in
	> the process of mastery.  Standing in the sacred witness, what
we see is what's
	> there to learn, to master.  For me, it's been physical pain
and the
	> debilitation of being handicapped.  And also relationship -
but that's another
	> story.
	> I'm uncertain if this has communicated what I want to say.
It's a circuitous
	> route at best (sorry Steve).  What I'm trying to do is take
learnings and
	> apply them to the Partnership Exploration.
	> So, I guess, the empowerment by everything you say and do
lives in the sacred
	> witness observing life and then magically turning the lessons,
the "what you
	> say and do" into empowerment.
	> love,
	> i
	> PS
	> What language do I speak?  Sharing and caring.
	> For what?  The Adventure life is
	> To whom:  Fellow Adventurers
	> My accountability:  I am accountable for bringing light to the
shadows and
	> illuminating them. I am accountable for love.


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