Subject: Re: Free advice sought From: "Michael S. Garber" Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 10:00:20 -0500
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Free advice sought From: "Michael S. Garber" Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 10:00:20 -0500
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Bill Doskoch wrote:

> I'm the newly appointed Web editor for the Western Producer, Canada's
> largest weekly agricultural newspaper, however, I'm essentially a staff of
> one.

That's not necessarily bad as a starting point.

> We're in the course of a redesign of our site -- one being decided upon by
> committee.

That could be real bad. Especially since they hired you and don't seem
to want to listen to your opinion.

> There seems to be a difference of opinion on page loading speed. I say it's
> a priority; others say that's overrated.

Only overrated by folks who have a T-1. Most of your clients do not. 
> Some on the business side want all access to the site to go through the
> home page. They don't want people to be able to bookmark various sections
> in the classified ads and access them directly.

Internet is Client Driven. People want to get where they are going fast
and easy. Forcing them to go through the homepage is difficult and a
misplaced focus.
> There's been little talk of the content. Shouldn't that be part and parcel
> of any redesign?

Why your clients are going to visit is part and parcel of redesign. If
content is one of the whys there should be a little talk about it.
On-line newspapers are missing out by not realizing their potential as
nich portals. This does not mean you have to offer e-mail, internet
pages, etc. (although it would be easy to do with a strategic aliance
with a local ISP). What it means is to offer what the paper has always
done and that is to be the info door to what is happening relevant to
your clients lives. Two good articles from ABC on why the current portal
model is off base and why the local on-line news have an opportunity:
The minute we realize to the depths of our tormented souls that this is
not a traditional mass market media but a "client driven market" we
might figure out how to make some money.

Michael S. Garber * click below for business card * Mexico Communicates
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Subject: How many times will one fish bite? From: "Michael S. Garber" Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 10:00:20 -0500
How the Web Was Won
Subject: How many times will one fish bite? From: "Michael S. Garber" Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 10:00:20 -0500