Subject: Re: Gartner Group goes all portaly From: Suzanne Lainson Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 12:49:07 -0600
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Gartner Group goes all portaly From: Suzanne Lainson Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 12:49:07 -0600
Reply-To: Suzanne Lainson 
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>"What the Web needs -- and what it will have within two years -- is a
>handful of sites that serve the same purpose as today's major TV networks.
>Users of the Web will migrate toward these sites, known today as portals,"
>said Patrick Meehan, research director at GartnerGroup. "In the same way
>that television viewers are attracted to certain networks for their
>favorite television programs, Web surfers will head to portals to browse
>and link to their favorite information sources, such as weather forecasts
>or stock quotes, or to sample new information sources."

I don't think the network comparison is a good one. I've done a
considerable amount of research into branding and everyone points out that
as far as ABC, NBC, and CBS have been concerned, they really haven't been
able to lure people to watch a show just because it is on a particular

Some of the cable networks have, I think, been more successful at branding
themselves, but the major networks seem to put on whatever shows they hope
will boost ratings. People watch shows, not networks.

However, the must-see-TV campaign has worked in tying NBC to situation
comedies. And it might have boosted a few shows that might otherwise die,
such as "Caroline in the City."

I'm not saying that portals might not be the way to go, only they are going
to have to operate differently than ABC, CBS, and NBC, which don't generate
enough brand loyalty.

About four months ago I finally changed my browser from something other
than Netscape. I had started to use AJR's NewsLink and found the Excite
news search to be useful. Then I tried out Excite's NewsTracker and liked
that. Finding myself going to the site on a daily basis, I decided to set
that up as my browser's homepage.


Suzanne Lainson
Marketing: Integrated/Sports and Event/Online
P.O. Box 2071     Boulder, CO 80306
303 473-9884
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