Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 10:16:16 -0700 (PDT)
To: Walter Schneider ,
"Walter H. Schneider"
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Dear Walter,
"The Myth of Male Power" doesn't begin to address the issues which
need to be put on the table to restore responsible fatherhood. It is
a milquetoast critique of feminism, written by a past and possibly
present feminist, who is not a father and who doesn't really
understand the issue no matter how much he talks about and studies it,
who really does know how harmful feminism has been to society.
And Canada bans HIS book?? How do you think they would like "The Case
for Father Custody", by Dr. Daniel Amneus (posted at ??
This should be REQUIRED reading for a tribunal which thinks it
understands "human rights"!!!
John Knight
---Walter Schneider wrote:
> Book Burning in Canada! It's here officially. Dr. Warren Farrel's
> best selling book "The Myth of Male Power" is to be banned!
> Dr. Warren Farrell is the only man ever to serve on the board of
> directors for the National Organization for Women, but when he takes
> an objective look at gender issues, that doesn't please Canadian
> "women's" groups. The radical faction of Canadian feminists flexes its
> muscles, expresses its displeasure, and that's it -- the book is
> banished.
> Fahrenheit 451, Brave New World, and "1984", all rolled into one
> insane reality in Canada.
> Walter H. Schneider
> Box 62, Bruderheim, Alberta, Canada T0B 0S0
> ATTACHMENT part 2 message/rfc822
> fwd fyi. I'd say we're already there! Lindsay
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Just to show you where we're headed:
> The Vancouver Folk Festival, apparently responding to demands from
> attending the event, requested Vancouver M.E.N., a men's rights
group, to
> cease selling "The Myth of Male Power," Warren Farrell's compendium
of facts
> rebutting many of radical feminism's most cherished myths. The
> was that, if they continued selling the book, they would be denied a
> to attend the following year because they spoiled the appropriate
> at the event.
> According to the Vancouver Province, some women found the chapters
on rape
> statistics objectionable.
> This incident reminds me of how a tiny minority continues to drive the
> agenda in our political systems. Farrell's book is vastly less
> than the writings of most radical feminists, and indeed supports
most of its
> assertions with facts. He doesn't call all women "potential child
> molesters," etc. His discussion of rape is simply a reasoned
> to the phony statistics widely bandied about by radical feminists.
> Over the years, in some of my methodology courses, we've discussed
some of
> the same studies Farrell does. In a typical class of 100 students,
of whom
> about 65 are women, there will be enthusiastic approval of the
> subject matter" by 98 students. Also, typically, in any given year,
> will be two women who violently object to the discussion, saying
things like
> "You, as a white male, have abolutely no business talking about
rape. This
> is a women's issue." or "Criticizing research that aims to help
women is an
> incredibly sexist act." [One woman even wrote that in a published
letter to
> the editor!]
> In British Columbia, where I live, there exists the "Human Rights
> a parallel court system not bound by ANY of the normal constraints
of due
> process, rules of evidence, etc. One government employee serves as
> jury, and prosecutor. There is no statute of limitations. Routinely,
> "Chairperson" of the tribunal rules "inadmissible" evidence that
fails to
> support the desired conclusion.
> Already, people with unpopular political views have been called
before the
> tribunal and harassed, literally, out of their life savings.
> whose cases are accepted have their legal fees paid by the government.
> Defendants must pay their own legal fees.] The tribunal can fine you
> substantial amounts of money.
> There have been many bizarre rulings by the Human Rights Tribunal
here. It
> is not too difficult to imagine that, some time soon, someone
repeating the
> assertion [supported by some research] that a very substantial
proportion of
> rape allegations are complete fabrications will be charged with
> hatred of women" and brought before the tribunal.
> James H. Steiger
> Department of Psychology
> University of British Columbia
> 2136 West Mall
> Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6T 1Z4
> email:
> voice: 604-822-2706
> fax: 604-822-2706
Get your free address at
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