Subject: Re: Knowing a Who's'wa'who... It's Deja Who All Over Again From: "Michael S. Garber" Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 13:27:14 -0500
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Knowing a Who's'wa'who... It's Deja Who All Over Again From: "Michael S. Garber" Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 13:27:14 -0500
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-----------> This message was posted to the ONLINE-NEWS list. <-----------

Daniel P Dern wrote:
> -----------> This message was posted to the ONLINE-NEWS list. <-----------
> "Vin Crosbie"  said:
> > I don't give a damn if the identity of an Online News poster is an inmate of
> > a mental asylum, a 4-year old child, or the president of the United States
> > writing under a pseudonym. I judge a person by his ideas, not according to
> > his job title or identity.
> >
> > You state that credibility can be given only to people who openly identify
> > themselves and their associations....
> YMMV, but I beg to differ; while there may be cases where identity of the
> speaker is irrelevant, there certainly are many where that isn't true.
> E.g, if I said:
>     "Windows 98 is the best operating system I've ever seen."
> or  "G*t*w*y computers are great and D*ll's break a lot...and C*mp*q's
>       service is abysmal"
> or  "You'll find your computer works best using K*ngst*n memory"
> or even
>     "Comdex/Fall in Vegas is still an easy show to attend, and the
>       hotel prices are affordable."
> would you want to know who I worked for?
> If a consultant praised a vendor, wouldn't you want to know if
> that vendor was also a client of theirs?  Similar point.
> Context does count, in providing an often-valuable data point to
> assess the writer's perspective/bias.  This is deja vu; I recall
> this very argument re Xerxes -- a quick check of my saved postings
> show, from back in 1995, messages such as one with this header
> (from me, in fact)

You don't need to know who someone is to know if they are biased. You
need to be knowledgeable about what they are talking about.

Michael S. Garber * click below for business card * Mexico Communicates
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