Subject: HotFlash - JavaScript Refill? From: HotFlash Date: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 00:15:00 -800
How the Web Was Won
Subject: HotFlash - JavaScript Refill? From: HotFlash Date: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 00:15:00 -800
Status: O

H o t F l a s h
your weekly HotWired lowdown
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26 July 1998

There's lots to see this week, so I'm gonna mince the chit-chat and cut
right to the chase.... presents the Palm Pilot - the World's Best-Selling Hand-Held
PC Date & address book, to-do list, calculator, and more at your fingers
tips - Satisfaction guaranteed: 30-day, no-questions-asked returns -
Unbeatable Price: only $179.00

N E W  O N  H O T W I R E D
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- - > Webmonkey / Advanced JavaScript Tutorial

Introducing five days of Advanced JavaScript! This follow-up to Thau's
oh-so beloved JavaScript Tutorial, which ran earlier this year,
transforms you from dabbler to master as you tackle the more heady
topics of JavaScript, like if-then-else statements, cookies, and
cross-browser compatibility.

Advanced JavaScript - Day 1

In our previous JavaScript Tutorial, Thau taught you the basics. Now he
picks up where he left off, starting with the meaning of var and
if-then-else statements. He also tells you what's coming up in the next
four days.

Advanced JavaScript - Day 2

Let Thau show you how to make cookies, and learn fancy string handling
and associative arrays along the way.

Advanced JavaScript - Day 3

Give your JavaScript a sense of history and time (by setting timelines
on your pages so that different events occur at different times), and
then learn how to sense which browser your visitors are using.

Advanced JavaScript - Day 4

Does your JavaScript get the picture? It will after today's lessons on
image mapping and preloading images. Also inside: Set up an employee
database! Create a virtual pet!

Advanced JavaScript - Day 5

Thau puts the finishing touches on your JavaScript mastery, covering
JavaScripting tools, debugging techniques, and ways to make your code
sprint like the wind.

- - > Synapse

"Dreamland," the new book by Phil Patton (hacker and friend of Katz), is
probably the closest you'll ever get to the secret, possibly
UFO-related, military base known as Area 51.

Coming Tuesday: Katz takes on the movie "There's Something About Mary,"
which takes on the self-righteous, the politically correct, and every
societal taboo you can think of.

- - > Member Central / Geek of the Week: Harry

Step right up, ladies and germs, and meet the world's only jitterbugging

- - > Cocktail / Cuba Libre

First mixed in 1900 by a one "Mr. X," this drink didn't make the Hit
Parade in the United States until the Andrew Sisters paid homage to it
with song. We're not talking Boogie Woogie Bugle Boys here - rather Rum
and Coca Cola, the two main ingredients of the Cuba Libre.

T H I S  J U S T  I N !
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HotWired is starting a site devoted to astonishing, entertaining,
innovative, and just plain cool animations. And we want you to

We're seeking animations that can stand alone as entertaining
experiences. We hope to exhibit both independent and professional work
that uses, but is not limited to, Shockwave for Flash or Director,
QuickTime (and other video formats), dynamic HTML, and Gif 89s.

If your work is accepted, we'll pay!

To submit artwork or find out more about this project, please send email
to To make our gala launch, get
your stuff to us by August 15.

O N - G O I N G
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- - > RGB Gallery / location, location, location

RGB's very first group show tackles the slippery meaning of "you are
here" on the Web. "My Place" gives you a peek into the minds of the
children of a remote, rural area of Northern California. "Hotel" uses
the memories of its creators to take you from Minnesota to Vietnam to
Hamburg. And }}}destinATiON{{{ explores the concept of travel on the Web
(a place with no distances).

- - > Web 101 / Web Glossary

Sometimes the Net can seem like a dense forest of jargon - take one step
off the beaten path, and you're lost. Fortunately, Web 101 has created a
trail of bread crumbs for you to follow: the Web Glossary.

- - > Wired News

Get breaking news and insiders' insights on the digital world, reported
up to the minute.

Now you can get Wired News' latest updates broadcast directly to your
desktop. With PointCast, you'll also receive business news from
publications like "The Wall Street Journal" and CNN, plus stock quotes
and more.

F O R G O T  Y O U R  P A S S W O R D ?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ->

All you have to do is reply to this message, change the subject line to
read PASSWORD, and include a one-sentence note with your name, email
address, and membername (if you remember it).

Or you can call our toll-free support services number: +1 (888) 276
8777. Please have your email address ready.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >

As if leaving solves anything!

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From Sat Jul 25 07:15:09 1998
>From  Sat Jul 25 07:15:08 1998
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