Subject: PE: Gifts and Yes to Life From: Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 20:43:57 EDT
How the Web Was Won
Subject: PE: Gifts and Yes to Life
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 20:43:57 EDT
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I believe you have a good point there re. there being a connection between
gifting and being a yes to life. The whole distinction yes to life isn't
necessarily about accepting every invitation etc. ad nauseum. It is about
being open to life - to the nuances of the gifts of the universe. And they
come in many forms - and from many directions. As such, it's all energy
There's that old cliche - nature abhors a vacuum. Thus, disperse energy and
it will come back in some form from some where and more than likely not where
you thought!
One of the fun things I do is "be generous" (I call it being Ina) and then see
where it comes back if at all. It's sort of like slowing down the car when
your intuition tells you to - you may or maynot see the cop or the accident
you've just avoided, but faith please. (Or tickets).
Thus the fun is in the giving and the receiving and the silly ways it all
comes back. I can't always distinguish how - or even want to do so. I just
enjoy the game.
One other "gift" I love to give is at my business. I am extremely
professional and simultaneously extremely fun. It lightens up people's day to
speak to someone who is relating to them like a human not an object. And the
respect is there - both ways. Makes my day more fun too!
love and kisses,
From Mon Jul 27 22:34:40 1998
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