Subject: Re: Online news sites and ISP Web sites From: "Eric Meyer" Date: Sun, 2 Aug 1998 22:29:10 -0500
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Online news sites and ISP Web sites From: "Eric Meyer" Date: Sun, 2 Aug 1998 22:29:10 -0500
Reply-to: "Eric Meyer" 
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At 22:06 on  2 Aug 98,  wrote in part:

>     Ah -- but most of them are "in the business of providing ... the
> infrastructure to deliver the news." Newspapers have presses, giant
> "packaging centers" (formerly the mailroom) to put the paper
> together, inserters and collators, bundlers, wrappers, strappers,
> conveyors and of course trucks and delivery people etc. TV stations
> do not exist without a transmitter and antenna. Radio stations
> likewise.

This is a crucially important point. As I have been saying for some
time, the newspaper industry's quest to eliminate their old
manufacturing-based model for doing business means they also have
foresworn a huge portion of the online advertising market. In print,
advertisers paid to have an ad printed on tons of paper and have
those tons hand-delivered to thousands of doorsteps. Positioning this
printed paper next to editorial was only a minor part of the deal.
Online, however, that tends to be the only portion of the
advertising market that exists for most newspapers. Site design and
hosting firms and telecommunications providers are taking the
portions of the advertising budget that used to be set aside for
physically producing and delivering the ad.

As to the basic question of newspaper-ISP partnerships, one of the 
more interesting ones, as I recall, was between the Austin or San 
Antonio papers and IBM.

              ERIC K. MEYER -
           managing partner - NewsLink Associates  
           online publisher - AJR NewsLink  
    asst prof of journalism - University of Illinois
visiting research scientist - Natl Center for Supercomputing Aps

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