Subject: Re: hello From: Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1998 17:00:50 +0100
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: hello From: Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1998 17:00:50 +0100
Status: O

Visit this web site for more information:      
Remember once you get the password you will receive your own 
personal web page just like this one with your name in 5th 

Welcome to a unique opportunity to make yourself a little cash on 
the internet! All
that you have to do is purchase our password for $10.00 to enter 
one of the
greatest money making resource pages on the internet. Why should 
you do this?
Well, let me tell you what you get. You get access to many money 
resources on the net and you get to become a reseller of our 
password. Here is how
it works: At the bottom of the page is a list of 5 people who 
have purchased the
password. You send each person $2.00, the position that their 
name is in on the list,
and your email address. Each person will then email you 2 pieces 
of the password
and the position of the characters. For example...If the password 
is "moonbeam"
then person #1 will email you with "mo"...#2 will send 
"on"...etc... The email that
you receive will also contain the position. Breaking up the 
password in this fashion
guarantees that all 5 people on the list will be compensated for 
their password. Just
send the 5 people $2.00 each, and within 3-5 days you should 
receive all of the
password emails.(each person on the list just earned $2.00 for 
typing in your email
address and a couple of characters...if you can type fast enough 
to get out 5 in an
hour then you are making $10/hr with very little effort!) First, 
save a copy of this
page(name it "anythingyouwant.html), and then follow the link at 
the bottom of this
page to our password login page. Enter your password after you 
receive it, and
follow the instructions to get your own page to send to people!

                 NOW LET'S LOOK AT SOME NUMBERS!

Now, when you get your own page, you will be in position 
5(everyone gets bumped
up 1 notch), so you are going to get to ride the wave 5 times. If 
you send out your
URL(your very own page that you receive) to just 200 people and 
you get only a
2% positive response rate, this is what happens...

     Position 5.........$8
     Position 4........$32
     Position 3.......$128
     Position 2.......$512
     Position 1......$2048

That is almost three thousand dollars with a small amount of 
people. Feel free to
send your page to as many people as you want! Q: How do you send 
it out to 200
people? A: Use Icq, newsgroups, tell a friend or neighbor, submit 
your site to
search engines...any way that you can think of!

                             IS THIS LEGAL?

YES! All that you have to do is claim the income and keep a log 
of everyone that
you send email to. Our site gets a lot of traffic, the people 
share the wealth, and
everyone is happy. 

                               THE PEOPLE

#1   A. Myers
     3505N 500E  
     Shelbyville, IN 46176

#2   D. Baldwin
     1305 E Ivy Trail
     Chesapeake, Va. 23320

#3   R. Shuart
     P.O. Box 66
     Farmville, Va. 23901

#4   C. Bishop  
     P.O. Box 225
     Farmville, Va. 23901

#5   J.  Zimmerman
     56 Prairie Meadows Rd W
     Brooks, Alberta, Canada, T1R OE1   


From Fri Aug  7 21:44:39 1998
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