Subject: RE: Web Wait measurements; spam discussion redux From: xerxes Date: Sun, 9 Aug 1998 17:52:43 -0400
How the Web Was Won
Subject: RE: Web Wait measurements; spam discussion redux From: xerxes Date: Sun, 9 Aug 1998 17:52:43 -0400
Reply-To: xerxes 
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Status: O

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The point is this....the conventional wisdom on spam lacks sound
evidentiary backing.  The myth is thicker than flies on s___ .    Law based
on myth does no one credit.
Bright Light Technologies

Gordy sent out by e-mail a link to this firm.  I have the link from him,
including the message header.  It was mercifully unlittered with HTML.
This gentle-person occasionally sends me early AM  e-mail rants eagerly
seeking to prove (to someone?) what a terrible devil I am for questioning
the conventional "wisdom" on spam.  Gladly, I indulge these missives for
their generous humor value.

BrightLight produces an innovative anti-spam solution.  Gordy brought it to
my attention.   I never had heard of it before, nor claimed Gordy "endorsed
it", ....but then this fellow has repeatedly had problems reading into
statements other than what they actually say....

here is my statement again, for the record.....

> Moreover, Gordy gave us a link to a new service that should diminish the
> economic reward for spamming methods.  Reduce this enough & the
> practice should abate.

It is my interpretation of the material on the Bright Side site that it has
a serious possibility of reducing the economic reward of spam ........  I
CERTAINLY did NOT attribute this observation to Gordy,  ...  just provision
of the link itself.   The now-familiar lame accusations made against me,
are, as usual, TOTALLY  false.  I attribute such outbursts to the poorly
regulated emotions that Eric Hoffer long ago identified in "true believers"

Forget the facts.  Such folks know what they know regardless of any
evidence.  Their knowledge is borne of faith.

 But seriously, who would rely on, or reference, Gordy, for anything having
to do with an interpretation of economic dynamics?

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