Subject: Re: A request From: robyn jamison Date: Sun, 09 Aug 1998 21:33:36 -0500
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: A request From: robyn jamison Date: Sun, 09 Aug 1998 21:33:36 -0500
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To all:

The language I am speaking: acknowledgment
To whom: exploration partners
For what: forwarding the action

Thanks, Larry.  I accept both of your requests.  I think the exchanges that have
of how much we are beginners in the exploration of the field, partnership, and how
easily thrown into reactions.

In the matter of scatological language, it does seem to have an inflammatory
effect.  Rather than be invoked to overcome our thrown responses, why not be like
the doctor who tells the patient to stop lifting his arm that way if it always
hurts to do so (and leave out the scat here)?

As an artist, poking responsibly into uncharted territory is an accountability -
to me, it's as if Vip's email is approaching the domaain of art.  Perhaps the
context for our email would be worth discussing at this juncture.

Robyn wrote:

> In a message dated 98-08-09 Jean Ciborowski writes, to
> Vip:
> << I invite you to *upgrade* the text you write - as your words were hurtful
> to me-
>  as a woman and partner.  >>
> >From Larry:
> I'm speaking the language of "I" to fellow course members for exploration.
> "I" request that each of us preface our messages with responses to these three
> questions.  "I" think it's a useful practice, discipline.  "I" wonder if Vip
> was speaking the language of vulgarity to playmates for the purpose of
> shocking?  "I" have no idea, of course, only my own reactions and
> interpretations.  "I" would like to hear Vip say what language he was
> speaking, to whom, for what purpose.  And Andrew.  And Jean.  Each of us.
> "I" also request that we discontinue the use of scatalogical language in this
> forum--or at least identify the type of language we are using and the purpose
> in using it.
> Jean, please say more about the nature of the hurt.  There is something useful
> here.  I would suggest that Vip and Andrew are intentionally "breaking the
> rules" and that we aren't clear about exactly what those rules are.
> What are the groundrules in this conversation?
> Again, I'm asking that one of the groundrules be that we start each
> communication, between now and weekend six, by answering the three questions.

From Sun Aug  9 23:00:16 1998
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