Subject: Book reviewers/interviewers sought From: (Dave & Jacqui Kramer) Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1998 14:10:25 -0700
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Book reviewers/interviewers sought From: (Dave & Jacqui Kramer) Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1998 14:10:25 -0700
Reply-To: (Dave & Jacqui Kramer)
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Hello everyone,

I don't usually do this, but in this case, the author is a member of a
local writer's group who has asked for help finding press contacts. I'm not
a pr person -- I'm just forwarding something she put together in the hopes
that it might generate some interest in her project. Specifically, her
publisher is seeking members of the press who would be interested in
reviewing the book, and/or profiling the author. Please don't respond to me
-- I'm just the messenger. Interested parties can contact either of the
ladies listed on the press release. (The author wrote the release; the
contacts listed are actually from her publisher's office.)

Jacqui Kramer

Contact: Cynthia Black, 1-800-284-9673
Contact: Joanne McCall, 1-503-245-3107


Did you know that 20 years ago, 1 in 10 U.S. women did not have children by
age 40, and today the figure is 1 in 5? A doubling in two decades. And some
demographers at the U.S. Census Bureau estimate that the figure could
increase to 1 in 3 by 2010. Infertility accounts for a potion of that
increase, but the rest is women who are choosing not to become mothers. We
rarely hear about this growing group, and even as more women make this
choice, society continues to portray motherhood as a woman's most
fulfilling role and major contribution. And it persists in stereotyping
women who choose not to become mothers as selfish, unnatural, and

A new book, "Pride & Joy: The Lives and Passions of Women Without
Children," by freelance journalist Terri Casey, helps dispel the social
myth that a woman must have a child to be happy, and shatters the
stereotypes that surround non-mothers. In lively stories and vivid voices,
25 narrators-who use their real names-talk proudly about their
contributions to their communities, causes, and families. Ranging in age
from 25 to 84 and from a variety of backgrounds, these diverse women tell
joyfully of intimate relationships with husbands and partners, family
members and friends, of their work, travels, volunteer activities,
solititude, and connections with children.

For the 20 percent of U.S. women who are childless by choice or by chance,
Pride & Joy offers validation and community. For the millions of women who
are deciding whether to have children, it provides information and and
inspiration. For parents, siblings, and friends of women who have chosen or
might choose not to have children, it offers insight.

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