Subject: Re: Janet and Robyn (8/9) From: Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1998 19:36:28 EDT
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Janet and Robyn (8/9) From: Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1998 19:36:28 EDT
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>From Janet to Robyn:
> Forgive me, but how does what Vip said differ in appropriateness from the
> Dennis  Miller piece that was discussed awhile ago.

Robyn to Janet:
 I have only read the first couple of emails that presented and discussed
 the Dennis Miller piece.  I guess the only differences for me are: Vip is
 an SELP leader and he is my boyfriend. I found what he said to be
 disrespectful. It is in the nature of a category two conversation for me to
 actually express it - although now I see that all I did was get angry with
 him and blast him on email.

Janet to Robyn:
>I'm not voting on the appropriateness of either. Could his responses be
>another example of "mining for gold".  I didn't view his messages as vomit. I
>was actually amused, in light of the significance that is ever so present.  I
>can see that viewpoint - and step into it.

> As Andrew wrote, "What is worth saying and what is not worth saying?".
> Who has the final voice on what is appropriate and what is not? What
> offends me may not offend you and vice versa.  

>From Robyn:
I guess it sounded like I don't know that.  Yet, don't we all have the right
to express it when we
are offended?  I propose we forward this exchange to everyone on the list - I
feel some
impending category three's lurking on the horizon.  ;-)    What language will
I speak - exploration
    To whom will I speak - partners
    For what will I speak - growth and development

>From Janet:
> What language will I speak - authenticity
> To whom will I speak - adults
> For what will I speak - being present

From Mon Aug 10 20:21:19 1998
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