Subject: Re: Jakarta Riots and Rapes From: Alan Flippen Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 18:19:51 -0400
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Jakarta Riots and Rapes From: Alan Flippen Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 18:19:51 -0400
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At 10:50 AM 8/11/98 -0400, Sean Peck wrote:
> ... I guess a few weeks ago, I asked the question about when News comes to
>you.  I cited Email I had recieved regarding allegations that wholesale
>rapes occurred primarily against Chinese women in Indonesia during the
>riots.  Well based on reports in the SCMP and others, and statements
>reported from the Indonesia government by the SCMP and others, that this
>story is indeed real.  Or at least real enough that Indonesia claims they
>have established a fact finding committee regarding it.
>Now admittedly I have not been following news as closely as normal these
>last few weeks, but I still do not recall hearing or seeing anything about
>this in the U.S. Press.  And to a greater extent, not too much in Western
>Press at all.  Maybe I have missed it, but I don't think so.  

I can't speak for other publications, and I'm not speaking officially for
the New York Times, but we ran a 1,500-word story about the rapes on June
10, a 1,600-word followup on June 14 and another one of 900 words on July 20.


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