Subject: PageMaker to Quark and vice versa From: Pat Churchill Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 17:15:59 +1200
How the Web Was Won
Subject: PageMaker to Quark and vice versa From: Pat Churchill Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 17:15:59 +1200
Reply-To: Pat Churchill 
Precedence: bulk
Status: O

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Forgive me if I am off topic here, but I know the collective wisdom of this
forum will probably be able to steer me in the right direction.

At Independent Newspapers Ltd here in New Zealand we have 10 separate
Newspapers in Education departments in newspapers throughout the country.

Each department produces several NIE pages each month for its daily
newspaper. They now want to swap pages with one another, localising where
necessary. The problem is this - some work on Macs, some on PCs. some
produce pages in Quark, others in PageMaker.

It's not practical to output to film, as local editing is usually required
at the second newspaper taking the page.

The simple answer seemed to me for them just to swap the picture and text
files with one another, but they maintain they don't have the resources to
completely lay out the pages again.

Has anyone had experience moving files from PageMaker to Quark or vice versa?

I am a PageMaker 6.5 user myself, and I see there is a QuarkXPress
converter. Does anyone know how successful it is?

I have it in the back of my mind that might be a solution converting
documents to .pdf files... a capability Adobe Acrobat was going to

Any wise guidance (best in email, probably) would be greatly appreciated.

Just to turn things back on topic - I have been doing web pages for the
various NIE departments. Do any of you out there put NIE stuff on the net?
Urls please?

Pat Churchill                       
Corporate Relations Manager                   Tel +64 4 496-9800
Independent Newspapers Ltd                    Fax +64 4 496-9834
PO Box 2595 Wellington, New Zealand 


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