Subject: Re: journalism From: Lou Cove Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 10:26:54 -0400
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: journalism From: Lou Cove Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 10:26:54 -0400
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At 09:28 AM 8/13/98 -0400, you wrote:

>Given the talk about media convergence and the future look of newspapers,
what will be the >role of the editor and reporter and what skills will they
need to be relevant employees in >the interactive media? I see job postings
for "online producer." Will editors and >reporters need to expand their
skills to include more technological skills?


I've been an editor for ten years but at MassLive (
I am a 'Producer.'
While my print skills (researching, assembling, and editing a story) have
been transferable, there is a whole host of new technologies and systems
that I have had to learn. This medium, by definition, is fundamentally
different from the world of print.
I happen to have a geek streak so picking up a little more HTML and
learning how to navigate the back end of a site wasn't much of a problem.
But when I wanted to produce an audio version of a story written by a blind
editor at the Springfield Union News, our newspaper affiliate, I had to go
a step further. Suddenly I needed to know how to publish Real Audio on the
web and work with a digital sound editing application.
I enjoyed the work and the result
( was a piece that took the
printed story a step further: it became a moving multimedia feature that
was accessible to people who couldn't read a newspaper.
Since then I've produced animated features, streaming audio/slide
presentations, and interactive pieces.
So, do journalists *need* to expand their skills? No.
But the web presents opportunities to expand our horizons and explore new
methods of storytelling.
That's when the burden of keeping up becomes the challenge of going beyond.


Lou Cove    
136 West Street
Northampton, MA 01060
Online for Western Massachusetts

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