Subject: Re: PE Coursework From: Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 12:24:41 -0400
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: PE Coursework From: Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 12:24:41 -0400
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Conversations disappear.

Sounds like you're finding out what it is to be the network of
conversations you live in. Since moving to Lancaster, there are new ones,
even new ones with old folks, and new ones with new folks. And some of the
old ones are disappearing (sounds like the Partnership conversation is here
fro you) . It's useful to notice how locked into those networks we are and
what that does to our power when we don't know how to transform the network
(originating circle).

There are places I can be authentic and places I can't (I think). In the
places where I am, being is granted. The value of looking at these
originating circle structures for me since beginning to study the Wisdom
course in depth, has been to see where I'm locked out of being authentic.
What conversations have me feel that way. What's in the in-between that has
this constant concern for safety and not being hurt keep us so tentative (
I just watched this for 2 days in our corporate strategic planning meeting)

It's such that we tell "jokes" to avoid being authentic or we get angry and
"blurt out the truth" or we say things we say are designed to shock people,
like the one that's going on in the Partnership group right now. To have
any power past my momentary realizations, I see this conversation has to be
translated into my originating circle.

My guess is that none of us are really doing that. That for the most part
this is an intellectual exercise, nice to use between us and not out there.
I looked yesterday at the mood when we were considering whether or not to
stand for doubling our company in 3 years. I saw that there was an
apprehensiveness that got represented as "prudent planning" that kept us
locked in to reasonable growth. I saw myself wondering if I had the right
to push for more to express my desire to play a bigger game. And as I
expressed this to the group, the answers and disagreement that came my way,
my monologues about not appearing stupid, etc. all appearing unsafe. And I
behaved accordingly though I had individual conversations to keep after the
topic outside the meeting structure.

Today I'm looking at how do I speak in this company's language (and the
community it is part of) to bring possibility before us? I see that I've
learned possibility rather than generated it. For to generate it is to
speak it in any language or to create space for a speaking. It was
interesting to see that soem of what I was saying got through to some of
the people such that this morning I had 3 voice mails from these guys. So
I'm seeing that what there is to do in community is to keep speaking it.

From Thu Aug 13 12:44:54 1998
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