Subject: Re: Andrew Bindon's "Coming to Meet You" From: john Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 10:11:26 -0400
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Andrew Bindon's "Coming to Meet You" From: john Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 10:11:26 -0400
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What a creation Andrew I have been touched at the soul.

John wrote:
> >From Larry:
> I had asked Andrew for one of his poems, and would like you all to have it,
> too.
> >From Andrew:
> Have you heard this one? I have it on T-shirts. Brian read it to the
> participants in one of the original Partnership courses, and its been
> translated into arabic and published in Iraqi newspapers!
> We are throwing down our weapons
> We are leaving our barricades
> We are coming to meet you
> There are, sixty-five thousand of us
> If you receive us with friendship this will be something new
> If you do not we shall die
> And they rise out of the ground
> Across the barbed wire
> Through the mist
> And the shells fall
> And they walk on
> And with each rifle shot
> My father died
> And my mother died
> And my sister died
> And my brother died
> And still they come
> Stumbling on through the mist
> Pace after pace
> Wave after wave of men going to their deaths
> And then,
> One man in an army
> One man in the world
> Threw down his rifle and cried
> And then another man seeing the first
> Threw down his rifle
> And then another
> And another
> And another
> And a strange silence
> Filled the war zone
> And no one knew that it would happen
> And no one can be sure that it would happen again
> But everyone who was there when those soldiers met
> Everyone who felt that embrace
> Everyone who knew that joy
> Knew that love can be made in the world each day
> By any ONE MAN.
> I am throwing down my weapons
> I am leaving my barricades
> I am coming to meet you

--    or

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