Subject: Subject line: HotFlash - Move It! From: HotFlash Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 10:45:00 -800
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Subject line: HotFlash - Move It! From: HotFlash Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 10:45:00 -800
Status: O

H o t F l a s h
your weekly HotWired lowdown
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16 August 1998

The big news this week is the Webmonkey Animation Tutorial, that
seven-lesson behemoth that had many a HotWiredian scampering around
madly over the past fortnight. So if you want to really "get things
moving" (hoHO!) on your Web pages, or if you just don't want all those
people's sweat, tears, and midnight oil to go to waste, check it out.

is the market's #1 selling PCI camera and capture card. Send v-mail or
chill in video chat rooms. With Bigpicture video, anything can happen. A
complete system now sells for $159, or buy two for under $300! For
details hit the Bigpicture Web site.

N E W  O N  H O T W I R E D
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- - > Webmonkey / 7-Lesson Animation Tutorial

These days Web animators may not have to spend 17 hours painting by hand
 to make Dopey wink, but bandwidth, platform, and browser issues make
animation for the Web its own special hell. The Webmonkeys have
navigated many circles of this hell, so they know how to make animation
... well, if not easy, then easier. Inside: GIF89, dynamic HTML, and
Flash nitty gritty, followed up with design, sound, and style guidelines.

Webmonkey Crash Courses

Sharpen your Web skills, raise your pay, and increase your sex appeal
(assuming you think Web skills are sexy - which, of course, they are)
with Webmonkey's online crash courses. They're the best way to get up to
speed on JavaScript, stylesheets, graphics, site design, and more. All
the courses are Web-based and free, and you can finish most of them
within a week.

- - > Synapse

The whole Lewinsky/Clinton thing may be disgusting, but it's the press
that's really grossing everyone out. Since the Internet allows people to
access information without the filthifying filter of the press, Katz
feels the role of mass media is beginning to shift.

Coming Tuesday: The newly patented Priceline technology, which lets you
tell vendors what you're looking for versus going to them to see what
they have, could alter capitalism as we know it. Katz takes a look.

- - > Member Central / Geek of the Week: Eroica

With a love of technology and a fear of Mickey Mouse, this week's geek
may just be the prototype of the all-new American Girl.

- - > Cocktail / Cosmopolitan

Go to almost any popular bar and you'll see someone elbowing their way
through crowded bars with this distinctively pink "stealth Martini" held
high above their heads just outside of spill range, like some kind of
special drinker's salute.

O N - G O I N G
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- - > RGB Gallery / location, location, location

RGB's very first group show tackles the slippery meaning of "you are
here" on the Web. "My Place" gives you a peek into the minds of the
children of a remote, rural area of Northern California. "Hotel" uses
the memories of its creators to take us from Minnesota to Vietnam to
Hamburg. And }}}destinATiON{{{ explores the concept of travel on the Web
(a place with no distances).

- - > Web 101 / Web Glossary

Sometimes the Net can seem like a dense forest of jargon - take one step
off the beaten path, and you're lost. Fortunately, Web 101 has created a
trail of bread crumbs for you to follow: the Web Glossary.

- - > Wired News

Get breaking news and insiders' insights on the digital world, reported
up to the minute.

Now you can get Wired News' latest updates broadcast directly to your
desktop. With PointCast, you'll also receive business news from
publications like "The Wall Street Journal" and CNN, plus stock quotes and

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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >

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Or you can call our toll-free support services number: (888) 276 8777.
Please have your email address ready.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >

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