Subject: Re: PE: category 3 "Who I am": I "yam what a yam... From: Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 19:00:09 EDT
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: PE: category 3 "Who I am": I "yam what a yam... From: Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 19:00:09 EDT
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I speak the language of time
to ocean of happenings
for a reflection

In a message dated 98-08-17 17:39:30 EDT, writes:

<< What is possible coming from the field Relationship, that is not
 possible coming from the field Individual?


I'm not sure there is a "Field of Relationship"...There are relationships
within fields, and there is said to be four "child" fields of relatedness (
MC, FC, AAD, PS) and an emerging adult field called a Partnership Field that
is said to exist as the Fields of Relatedness...given by a Field of
Relatedness...What might be a really interesting and an odd question is : what
is possible if we did not come from a Field of Relatedness?.... Is that
possible?....that would be unbelievably alien....

So, I would re-phrase your questions as : What is possible coming from the
Field Partnership that is not possible coming from the Field Individual?
And, that about sums up the course inquiry....

What may be possible is a full capabilty awareness, the awareness of which
empowers and transforms the "Us-ness" : the dialogue....

By the way , what was the "check up from the neck up" stuff at the begining of
your e-mail?


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