Subject: RE: Report Supplies Blueprint for Media E-Commerce Sites From: Howard Owens Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 18:31:56 -0700
How the Web Was Won
Subject: RE: Report Supplies Blueprint for Media E-Commerce Sites From: Howard Owens Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 18:31:56 -0700
Reply-To: Howard Owens 
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At 5:17 PM -0700 8/17/98, Eric Magill wrote:
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>I simply would not recommend banners as a revenue model for any online
>publisher trying to build long-term profitability through long-term
>relationships. I would recommend focusing on drawing new customers to your
>advertisers, not just the same customers they're already getting in the
>print publication. We have found site design and maintenance to be a
>profitable way to do just that.

Nearly three years ago, when I first discovered Steve Outing, one of the
first things I read in one of his column was "multiple revenue streams."

Multiple revenue streams are not a novel business concept, but the point
Steve was making, and I believe is still valid, is that news sites should
not look to any one revenue stream as a potential boon, but news sites
should develop every conceivable revenue stream, even slight ones, so that
they reach point of providing a chance at profit.

Even three years ago, people like Steve and Eric Meyer were warning sites
away from an over reliance on banner ad revenue -- remember the thread
started by Rosiland Resnick -- banner advertising is dead? Some of us
resisted the idea, but it is certainly proving to be true to some degree.
Banners may not be dead, but no site, no matter what the site's topic or
traffic, is ever going to survive (long-term) on banner revenue.

How many news sites were paying attention two and three years ago and how
many are paying attention now?

Happy trails,
Howard Owens //
The RV Club //
President // #L-CHAR-00001
ICQ# // 5400300
Get the Scoop -- Get RV Smart


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Subject: It really took this long to figure it out? From: Howard Owens Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 18:31:56 -0700
How the Web Was Won
Subject: It really took this long to figure it out? From: Howard Owens Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 18:31:56 -0700