Subject: Re: Weekly 8/17 #1 From: robyn jamison Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 23:03:10 -0500
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Weekly 8/17 #1 From: robyn jamison Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 23:03:10 -0500
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Wow. Thanks.

Steve Goldberg wrote:

> The New England Journal of Partnership, eh?  It gets my vote.  I read about
> 80 PEmails in the last hour and a half.
> I speak the language of intimacy with partners in the quest for knowing
> ourselves.
> Yes, something like I don't have enough cliches to pay for my speaking.
> The old ways don't work anymore.  I call it a "shortfall of wherewithall".
> What "I" bring to the party is insufficient.  Other input is needed,
> dialogue, invention in community.
> I'm accountable for the viability of the company I share with Renee (thanks
> Brian).  I'm accountable for turning clients'  visions into work
> environments, and running a profitable business at the same time (these do
> not always go hand in hand...).  Like Larry, at home I'm accountable for
> generating income, and for keeping the kitchen clean, doing the man chores,
> music, and Renee's computers working..  You know, it seems like a lot of
> "I" in these, starting out so often with "I'm accountable for..."
> Maybe there's no individual accountability.  After all, doesn't it always
> occur in relationship to someone or some group you're accountable TO?  And
> isn't the stage built and acted upon by everyone concerned?
> Women got a handle on this one I think - it was their collective writings
> that distinguished the most for me.  Kate, the most penetrating hurt for me
> is the kick-possibility-in-the-stomach one.  To the world I am accountable
> to deliver new products.  And many an idea has been
> less-than-well-received......Ouch, even to write about it......My response
> to hurt is to withdraw, take myself away, away from what? the community,
> the relationship.  Jeez, what's possible in staying present to hurt in the
> community, in the inbetween?  Watching the emails, it's kind of like one of
> those cartoons with a lot of word blurbs coming out of peoples' mouths, the
> key insight here is that the blurbs are ATTACHED to the people.  Dueling
> banjos.  In a symphony, or even a piece for flute and violin, it's the
> combination that gives the impression.  This discourse was like a lot of
> separate instruments playing without a score.....Now, what does the score
> play like, Seth?
> Summary by David Byrne, Talking Heads, "Psycho Killers"
> "You start a conversation, you can't even finish it
> you're talking a lot
> but you're not saying anything.
> Well, I have nothing to say
> my lips are sealed,
> say something once, why say it again."
> I'm honored to be one of us.  Sad to be drawing to the end of looking
> forward to another weekend.  Loving the conversation and the rich
> personalities we unfold.  Thrilled that there's another weekend.  Now I
> guess we get to go forth and multiply (insert math joke here...).   I love
> you each, partners.
> Steve

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