Subject: Re: [Fwd: The next partnership course has begun!] From: Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 11:30:36 -0400
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: [Fwd: The next partnership course has begun!] From: Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 11:30:36 -0400
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The difficulty is saying things about Partnership in words from individual.
Partnership is a conversation that resides in community. And we have no
history, practice or former facility of dealing with conversations from
there. What I am willing to say at the moment.

1. Language that generates futures only ever occurs in conversation with
others. Never in monologue.

2. We live almost all of the time, every waking moment, in monologues and
we are unconscious to our monologues. We are that we are our monologues. We
even have monologues that we aren't our monologues.

3. Therefore I can design no viable future without relating to and speaking
with another. it's not in books, it's not in realizations (they disappear
about three sentences after I've had them). And I'm present to that when
I'm present to the partnership we live in and don't access, there is a life
I cannot imagine, design visualize, encounter, see, speak, stand for, dream
about, see-as-missing, speculate-about, pontificate-on, uncover, reveal,
learn about, discover or surmise. All of those are individual doings. What
I am speaking about is a space, a space that the people who have just
returned from the Boston weekend are present to and excited about. A space
that grants individual different from how we know individual (and
ourselves). A space that informs us of a future beyond all those individual
strivings for access.

4. Though I don't go around chanting it, I relate to others as partners in
creating our future. Not in the way I would have said partners before from
individual. Not with the limitations placed by terms like sole mates, or
lovers or brothers or mankind. More like we're all of it being part of it.

5. Right now we're exploring the being part of it in the current PE course.
And we're prone to doing it from individual. But there's a background to
the conversation that I've not seen before. We're aware that we're doing
individual as we do it. So the conversation occurs inside of an
accountability which occurs inside of community. And that's the only place
I've ever seen accountability as an opening.

From Tue Aug 18 11:12:12 1998
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