Subject: Empowered, emshmowered From: Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 21:31:53 EDT
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Empowered, emshmowered From: Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 21:31:53 EDT
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Ina here:
Language: Inquiry and play
To Whom:  Thoughtful playmates
For what:  splashing in distinctions

I am having a massive struggle with the distinction " I am empowered by
everything you do and say.  I am for your empowerment.  And I am empowered by

Anyone else in the same boat?  It keeps going out of existence for me with
specific people  - like Mark, my business partner.  Am I missing something
here?  When people are doing "destructive" or "counterproductive" activities,
I loose the distinction.  I just wanna kill!  Not exactly the game we're

I've pretty much decided that the email group for this next Partnership course
will be a separate group.  I'll be starting it this week.  I do believe anyone
in this group is invited.  

I am enjoying my "working" vacation  - working in my perennial gardens,
shopping for the house, crocheting curtains for the newly redecorated kitchen
with the last new appliance, the stove, coming Thursday.  I'm doing housewife
and enjoying it immensely.  Have not gotten bored yet.  Will soon, no doubt.
I suspect my "at home" years are over!  (Actually never was fully "at home".)

love and kisses,
i aka the on-it-about-empowerment-kid

From Greg.Onufer@Eng.Sun.COM Tue Aug 18 21:42:50 1998
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Subject: Re: Sun source code, Re: Solaris now FREE for Non-Commercial Use, $10 for media + docs ! From: Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 21:31:53 EDT
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Subject: Re: Sun source code, Re: Solaris now FREE for Non-Commercial Use, $10 for media + docs ! From: Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 21:31:53 EDT
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