Subject: Re: Re: New beginings From: Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 22:24:25 EDT
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Re: New beginings
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 22:24:25 EDT
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Ina here:
Language: Inquiry
To Whom: thinkers
For What: Distinguishing
Vip -
Fabulous inquiry. You asked:
Is there anyone else out there who has consistently distinguished the
Partnership field as one of nothingness and has something valuable to say? I
am constantly hearing cliches about love, being amicable, being creative,
friendship etc. I am
interested in people who have experienced (not thought about) but experienced
the nothingness of this field. In particular what is the beingness of this
field i.e. if an adult was being that field what would be their manifestation.
How would you recognise one?
Good questions. I have no answers, but some thoughts (surprise). What I've
recognized as Partnership conversations are to me: centered, inquiries,
clear, empowering, satisfying, what Martin Buber described as the "I/Thou"
Dialogue (won't get technical here). Ego, though present doesn't run the
show. What becomes important is the inbetween. The dialectic.
As I said, no answers, but some thoughts.
From Thu Aug 20 02:30:13 1998
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