Subject: Re: Re: New beginings From: Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 13:46:38 -0400
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Re: New beginings From: Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 13:46:38 -0400
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The difficulty with speaking about this field is that it exists as a
presence. Not in language. Also having been in this space on repeated
occassions I can say it comes and goes. It colors everything newly while
it's present and that's not something I'd say when present to the coloring.
I can also say that possibility is present as an always everywhere
phenomonon and I wouldn't call it possibility when I'm in that space. About
the only way I can talk about it is afterward, when desicriptions like this
conversation seems available.

It struck me as curious and I wondered if I would label this as a
"partnership" field. While I will say partnership is present (more like
being all of it) I would not have thought to characterize it as
partnership. Nor would I characterize it as any other field or languaged
phenomenon (love, possibility of possibilities, a clearing, etc) My sense
is that these are all included and we use the distinctions after the
experience to point to it's existence. By the way, I have never thought of
it as a "place that existed" when I was there.

So I find myself saying more about what it isn't than what it is. I know
that when it's present I have no need to describe it in language nor to
give it form or meaning, nor to place it in time. In our Landmark model
it's pure "being" and being in a way that has all of life show up
immediately, all at once, larger, more spectacularly and without meaning.
Of course saying that is an after-the-phenomenon-saying.

When it's present it's more like what Lynn shared about it. There's an
opening to speak and nothing to say. Rather it lives in the interactions
and wareness that are occuring in life around us.

Landmark's work speaks about this in many metaphors and constantly points
to it and sometimes for me, will trigger the occurance of the experience.
I've had it last for months on one occassion, and weeks on several
occassions and for days most often. We may think of it as a "high", and
while there it's not. Though I'd say it accurate that I experience
heightened awarenesses and capabilities, and speak new sentences which I
cannot assign a source/cause to. If I said it was being source that too
would be to try to give it form and it has none. Suffice it to say, it is.

I stand in the middle of the universe
As if on stage in the center of a hugh sphere.
I cannot see the edges of the sphere and know they are there.
The presence is more than I can bear.
I speak loudly in a small voice
words that I cannot hear.
The silence is deafening.
Only god knows
that to give this meaning is leave the stage.
And so I do.
And it disappears into the rhelm of something to search for
only to reappear each time I stop searching.

From Thu Aug 20 13:29:18 1998
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