Subject: Re: Need help with an online project? From: Eric Meyer Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 18:17:26 -0600
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Need help with an online project? From: Eric Meyer Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 18:17:26 -0600
Reply-To: Eric Meyer 
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WOW! What an outpouring of great ideas. I could teach 20 sections of my
online publishing class this spring and still have several great ideas for
class projects left over.

I'll be studying your notes in greater detail over the weekend and will get
back to you personally with any questions next week. This note, albeit
impersonal, is simply to acknowledge your mail and thank you for your
proposal. Every one of the ideas I received -- even the ones sketched out
only in broad terms -- sounds very attractive.

Once I have the gist of the projects clear in my mind, I plan to discuss
them in general terms with the students involved and gauge their levels of
interest and expertise. The more enthusiasm, the better the final work is
likely to be. It probably will be two weeks from now before we can begin
getting down to project specifics and deciding what we can and can't do.

Meanwhile, if you have any questions, afterthoughts or whatever, please
feel free to e-mail me or call me. I'll be at my NewsLink office -- (217)
355-0016 voice, (217) 355-0185 fax -- most of this weekend and the early
part of next week. You might also catch me at my university office -- (217)

I neglected, by the way, to mention in my first note that the students are
from the University of Illinois. They are a very diverse group -- six from
broadcasting, one from advertising/public relations and 10 from print.
There's not a lot of photojournalism experience among the print people. The
broadcast people, however, tend to be more on the producer/engineer side
than the air-talent side.

Again, thanks for your note. I look forward to responding personally in a
couple of days.

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