Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 01:41:30 -0400 (EDT)
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On Mon, 24 Aug 1998, Guy Harris wrote:
> >The have GPL'd Xview,
> "GPLed" is inequivalent to "gave away in source form". As I remember,
> the source code had a very definitely non-GPLed copyright notice, more
> like the BSD license without the "have to give credit" clause.
I believe you are correct. Sun used a variation of the GPL to
create their own "Public License". UI still retained the copyright.
> >OpenLook Virtual Window Manager,
> Ditto, although OLVWM wasn't a Sun product - OLWM was, and somebody else
> (perhaps somebody at Sun, but it's not an official product of Sun)
> turned it into OLVWM.
> >and the Olit widget set.
> Considering OLIT was a product of AT&T, not Sun, Sun weren't in any
> position to give it away.
But Sun and AT&T were the key players in UI. When Motif threatened
to make OLIT obsolete, Sun helped AT&T put OLIT into the UI public
> >I believe they also
> >GPL'd the kernel source for the Sun386i.
> I have never seen any indication that they did.
I was wrong. They didn't.
> They clearly couldn't GPL the *entire* source, given that it was mostly
> a modified-at-SunEast SunOS 4.x, and SunOS 4.x had rather a lot of code
> from UNIX/32V and its not-freed-up-yet descendant, BSD, as well as a
> fair bit of code from System V Releases 2 and 3 (yes, even in the
> kernel).
There may have been some 8086 specific code released, to support
Sun386 users who wanted to upgrade their machines.
> >They have also GPL'd (or made it possible to GPL) NFS and NIS.
> They certainly haven't GPLed, or given away in any form, their NFS or
> NIS implementation; they sell them for a license fee.
> They've published the NFS *protocol* in an RFC, but there isn't any RFC
> for NIS.
They did help with the implementation of the versions used in Linux.
NIS+ is a "for fee" ad-on. Of course, they would probably try
to convert you to solaris.
> They've also given away, although *NOT* under the GPL, source to SunOS
> 4.0-vintage and Solaris 2.3-vintage versions of the ONC RPC code.
Again, they contributed a "public license" (not necessarily GPL) version
of XDR and RPC. It is not fully ONC compliant, but close.
> >Actually, Sun's biggest problems with the Sun386i was the inability to
> >support PC peripherals. The system was pretty much a PC with some custom
> >hardware.
> ....and custom PROM; it had an old-style Sun PROM monitor, not a PC-style
If you posted this to the net, I missed it. I'll try and get this
corrected. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
Rex Ballard
this correspondence is personal opinion
and does not necessarily reflect any corporate view.
copyright 1998 - Rex Ballard
From Thu Sep 3 16:13:48 1998
Status: O