Subject: Re: Teaching high school newspaper classes how to create online From: REX BALLARD Date: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 17:33:16 -0400 (EDT)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Teaching high school newspaper classes how to create online From: REX BALLARD Date: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 17:33:16 -0400 (EDT)
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On Wed, 2 Sep 1998, Raymond Hines III wrote:

> -----------> This message was posted to the ONLINE-NEWS list. <-----------
> ---> Not too long ago, Ed Scott  said:
> > On Wednesday afternoon I sat in on a meeting in which three schools
> > (elementary, middle and high) and the local juco requested $230,000
> > from a local foundation to do telecomferencing and build E-zines,
> > which will be housed on our server. The kids will build the sites
> > using Claris. The first one will be about drug abuse prevention. 
> Why so much money, though?  $230,000 seems to be a whole lotta 
> potatoes just for videoconferencing and e-zines.    Wouldn't that be 
> a barrier to other schools that are strapped for cash?

If you are looking at all Microsoft workstations, and all Microsoft
Servers, filled with Microsoft and Claris publishing and editing software,
this isn't so far off.  Of course, there is also the CALs, but those
are usually kept low for the first year and raised later.

Of course, if they were using Linux, Apache, Perl, and Netscape
Communicator, they could use a few $500 PCs (the stuff that was replaced
because it couldn't run Windows 95 or Windows 98).  And you could get
the whole thing together for about $20,000.  Many of the high-schoolers
are already using Linux at home and could set up the school system as
part of the project.
> Ray
> Ray Hines -->
> DreamStates Technologies, Inc.
> "Fantastic Websites at Great Prices!"
> Personal website:

	Rex Ballard
	this correspondence is personal opinion
	and does not necessarily reflect any corporate view.
	copyright 1998  - Rex Ballard

From Thu Sep  3 18:06:57 1998
Status: O