Subject: Don't forget about the member directory From: Steve Outing Date: Tue, 5 Nov 1996 10:02:23 -0700
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Don't forget about the member directory From: Steve Outing Date: Tue, 5 Nov 1996 10:02:23 -0700
Precedence: bulk
Status: O

Hi, it's your friendly National Public Radio ... er, I mean, online-news, 
pitch man, again, reminding you about the new online-news Member Directory. 
The response thus far has been rather underwhelming, so I want to encourage 
more of you to take a look. It's at

More than a dozen folks have created their profiles, and they're fun to 
peruse. (Check out Michael Carmean's Dr. Seuss photo!)

If you feel like you are a part of the interactive publishing community, then 
you should have your listing in this directory.

Why am I being obnoxious about promoting this? Because I need it to work in 
order that online-news can continue to be the best worldwide forum for our 
industry. I want more folks to become Supporting Members of online-news so 
that I can continue to offer it, and so that Scott Carter (online-news site 
Webmaster) and I can afford to add new things like this in the future. 

To be included in the Directory, you need to be a Supporting Member of 
online-news ($25 professional rate; $10 students). Viewing the directory is 
free to all, of course. Everything else about online-news is, as before, 
free to all.

I'm also interested in feedback about this. Is a Membership Directory for 
the list a good idea? Is it worthwhile to you? What will it take to get 
enough support from the subscribers of this list to allow new services to 
be added (and for it to continue at all)? Whether online-news survives 
long term is really up to all of you. I remain committed to improving this 
service to the industry, but Scott and I can't commit too much of our time 
to enhancing the service without your commitment. 

And THANKS very much to those of you who already have become Supporting 
Members of online-news.

(NPR-like pitch over.)

Steve Outing                                   Planetary News                        Boulder, Colorado, USA      voice: 303-543-7810            fax: 303-543-1059
        *Consulting services for the newspaper new media industry*                                      
           Read my Stop The Presses! column on E&P Interactive:
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