Subject: Re: Pixel Width Limitations From: Rex Ballard Date: Wed, 6 Nov 1996 00:37:51 -0500 (EST)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Pixel Width Limitations From: Rex Ballard Date: Wed, 6 Nov 1996 00:37:51 -0500 (EST)
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	Rex Ballard - Director of Electronic Distribution

On Fri, 25 Oct 1996, Walter S. Rowland wrote:

> Greetings All,
> Some time ago, I think I read a post on this list 
> about how some new versions of browsers would not 
> display a 600 pixel width table on a 640 pixel width 
> monitor without requiring the user to scroll right.
> It appeared that some new browser windows had increased in 
> size.

Remember, MS-Windows itself eats quite a bit of real-estate.  If the
browser has a border, scroll-bar, MDI frame, and an application level
border, you can easly eat up 20 pixels/side.  Add features like frames
and tables and life gets real interesting.

Fortunately, most systems support 800x600, which reduces the problem a
bit.  You might want to carefully consider whether you really want a
600x400 image holding your user's in limbo as they suffer through a
modem/slip/X.25 connection that yields a net throughput of 400
bytes/second.  Your Prodigy, AOL, NetCom, and Compuserve/GNN customers
will probably not be adding your site to their hotlist after you lock up
their machine for 10-20 minutes to gratify your artistic expression.
> Please help!  One of our clients is adament about a 600 pixel width site!

Guess he won't be pleasing anyone who uses Microsoft Explorer, Mosaic, or
the Prodigy, AOL, or Compuserve web browsers.  Ask him if it's really
worth alienating 6 million out of 36 million users to have every pixel
count.  He isn't trying to ship PDF is he?

> Thanks in advance,
> Walter Rowland

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