Subject: Re: About last night From: "Terence L. Day" Date: Wed, 06 Nov 1996 17:56:48 -0800
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: About last night From: "Terence L. Day" Date: Wed, 06 Nov 1996 17:56:48 -0800
Precedence: bulk
Status: O

At 09:32 AM 11/6/96 -0500, Ford Risley wrote:
>We'll be talking about online reporting of the election results in my
>Online Media class this afternoon, so if anyone is awake (or coherent) yet
>I'd be interested in hearing reports from folks about how things worked
>last night. Hard numbers, of course, would be welcome, but I'd also like to
>pass along to my student your exciting moments, horror stories, and just
>interesting anecdotes in general. Many thanks.


This won't be in time for your class, but you may be interested in my
experience.  I live in rural, Eastern Washington, oh about 75 miles south of
Spokane, WA, and 260 or so east of Seattle and a bit more distant from
Tacoma.  I parked myself in front of Dan Rather via a Spokane television
station last night to watch the election results.  Journalistically, I have
a couple different observations/reports.

About 10:30 p.m. (Pacific Standard)  I got disgusted with the Spokane CBS
affiliate's Mickey Mouse local reporting.  They were reporting only Spokane
and surrounding county results, ZERO state-wide data.  I was learning more
from Dan about Washington State races than I was from my "local" tv, which
was reporting totally meaningless data.  So I trooped off to the den and
cruised the web.  I went to Tacoma's News Tribune web site, which is one of
the good ones, in my opinion.  They had data as of something like 1:03 a.m.
Eastern Standard; i.e., they were about 30 minutes off real time.  And they
had at least some Washington state-wide data, even though our polls hadn't
closed until 8 p.m.  Finding that none of the races or issues that I was
interested in were in any doubt, I went to bed.  Incidentally, I noted
elections across the country were available, and did some spot checking to
see how the WWW was working for the election in various states where I have
interests and/or family, especially California and Utah.

Point is, I was getting fresher, more complete data off a WWW site nearly
300 miles away than I was getting broadcast into my home by the local
station only 75 miles away.

CBS, of course, was giving good, hard data in real time, but not necessarily
the data I wanted.  Especially not when I wanted it.  AND WITHOUT COMMERCIALS.

As I was abandoning television for the night, I flipped to Sam Donaldson.
Wound up wishing that I'd been with him all night.  ABC's graphics were a
bit dated--at least not as visually exciting--but they were ever-so-much
more functional than Rather's.  CBS may well have had the techiest set, but
it was NOT viewer friendly.  

And that's my two bucks' worth.

Terence L. Day 
401 Hulbert Hall, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-6244
509/335-2806 (Office voice), 509/335-2863 (Office fax), 509/334-1619 (Home)
Internet:   or 

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