Subject: Releases From: mohamed lalani Date: Thu, 10 Aug 1995 09:02:42 -0400
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Releases From: mohamed lalani Date: Thu, 10 Aug 1995 09:02:42 -0400

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REX BALLARD Professional Biography

Rex Ballard

Information Systems Architect

Internet and Linux Promoter

(973) 660-0878, 908-931-4240

Pager 1-800-946-4646 pin 1458685

Over 19 years Engineering & Management Experience

E-Mail Address:

You are visitor
-- Rex Ballard

Photo Courtesy of Wang Gia Feng Studios NYC.

Linux Growth

Professional Achievements:

Rex Ballard is one of the Leading forces in the commercialization of theInternet,and the commercialization and acceptance of the Linux Operating system.Rex is also one of the Premier leaders of the OpenSource movement,promoting the acceptance and use of OpenSource products in corporations throughout the world.

Rex has been a leader and a pioneer in the technology, architecture,andinfrastructure of the internet. He has been a leader in the commercialization of the internet as well, contributing knowledge and expertise to publishersand providers, leading the field in electronic publication over the internetand the World Wide Web. Rex frequently contributes to organizations willingto do what it takes to become primary resources of the Internet.

  • First Office Automation package for PCs on Networks from Novell (1981)
  • Pioneered Commercial Migration to UNIX and TCP/IP (1982-1987)
Federal Express
  • First Large Scale Study of Systems Integration of MVS, VMS, CICS, UNIX,andDOS on LANs. (1988)
  • Award winning software for Malcolm Baldridge Award winning Product (1989)
Great West Life
  • Downsizing, Migration, and Ports from MVS/IMS and MVS/TSO from SNA to TCP/IPandUNIX.
  • Beta Site for first SMP systems from Sun ,and Pyramid (Unix/Oracle). (1989-1991)
  • Developed RPC for APPC - Allowed IBM to Downsize HFS for Networks (1991).
  • Ported X11R5 to AIX/ESA for ES9000 and 3090 Mainframes (1992).
  • Participated in ISO 9000 certification of X11R5 and AIX(1992).
  • Softronics, Inc
    • Led Development of Internet Package for Non-technical Users (1992).
    • Led Development of TN3270 Emulator for Windows & OS/2 (SofTerm) to run under SL/IP (1992).
    • Managed 75 Joint Venture Projects for electronic news distribution.(1993-1994)
    • Wrote Proposals for Dow Jones to Participate on the Internet and World Wide Web(1993-1994)
    • Wrote protocol specification for Object Oriented Communication (precursertoJava) for Dow Jones (1993)
    • Consulted and Assisted 4500 Publishers' Entries onto World Wide Web (1993-1995)
    The McGraw-Hill Companies
    • Caused The McGraw-Hill Companies to Participate on the Internet and World Wide Web
    • Support for electronic Commerce standards including First Virtual, Digicash,and NewsShare
    Computer Sciences Corporation
    • As an information systems architect with ComputerSciencesCorporation provided expertise and consulting services toclients allover the United States.
    • Support for electronic Commerce standards, component architectures such as CORBA and DCOM, and Performace engineering of Web Sites and Web CommerceSystems.
    • Introduced Linux and "Linux on Laptop" technologies to assistin supporting high performance multitasking required for system performance analysis.
    Prudential Insurance
    • As a Senior Information Systems Architect with ThePrudential Insurance Company, Initiated, and managed the introductionof Java, CORBA, and Linux to Prudential.
    • Initiated projects and plans to integrate the IT infrastructure of theHealth Care, Brokerage, Investments, Group Life, and Individual Life divisions.
    • Provided reccomendations and analysis of Compliance, Audit, and ManagementInformation systems.

    From Thu Aug 18 14:20:23 1994 Received: from by with SMTP id AA26152 (5.67b8/IDA-1.5 for ); Thu, 18 Aug 1994 14:20:20 -0400 Received: from by with SMTP id AA23633 (5.67b8/IDA-1.5 for ); Thu, 18 Aug 1994 13:26:47 -0400 Received: by id AA23766 (5.67b8/IDA-1.5 for rballard@cnj); Thu, 18 Aug 1994 13:25:30 -0400