Subject: Re: Friends of Choice for Men #6 From: R Ballard Date: Sun, 26 Feb 1995 14:09:50 -0500 (EST)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Friends of Choice for Men #6 From: R Ballard Date: Sun, 26 Feb 1995 14:09:50 -0500 (EST)
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If only 18% of those who conceded to be the fathers, what percentage of all
children of unwed mothers may have MORE than one paternal candidate?

For example, how many women have had sex with more than one partner 
within four to eight weeks prior to confirmation of the pregnancy.

Isn't it interesting that even when there multiple paternal candidates,
only the lucky winner of the lottery is ever persecuted (er-prosecuted)
for paternity.

How many men might have had sex which could potentially cause them to be
fathers, without consequence.  Let's see a breakdown as follows.

	Paternal candidate is Wrong candidate:  18%

	Paternal candadate is ONLY partner
	within the last 24 months.

	Paternal candidate is Correct out of
	multiple partners within previous 12 weeks.
	Paternity was not established with first

	Paternity was established - but mother
	known to have prior partners.

	Percent of men who do not take direct responsibility
	for birth control.

	Percent of children conceived when woman was responsible
	for birth control (Pill-neutalized by antibiotics, drugs,
	drug detoxification).

	Percent of children conceived under fraudulent circumstances.
	(misrepresentation of BC, sexual desire, marital commitment,...)

	Percent of women who have used sex for the primary purpose of
	accessing financial benifits, economic security, drugs,
	social status or other secondary benefit.

	Percent of men who have had vasectomies who are
	non-custodial parents.

	Percent of men with only one sexual partner
	(mother) ever, prior to time of conception.

	Percent of women with only on sexual partner
	(father) prior to conception.

	Percent of men tested for STDs or named to CDC

	Percent of women tested for STDs or named to CDC

Maybe there are LOTS of "Dead-beat-dads" who were just lucky
enough to NOT win the lottery. (>95%?)

Maybe there are LOTS of would-be "Unwed-mothers" who are collecting
from one out of many would-be candidates.

Do any states offer amnesty or child-support reduction for non-custodial
fathers who have no other children and a vasectomy?

How many sterilized men are caring for another man's children?

How many non-custodial fathers are paying child-support to two parent
families (with or without wedlock).

How many of those collecting disability benefits are custodial parent?

How many of those collecting disibility benefits are living with a
custodial parent?

Same as above, but for workeman's comp, insurance settlements.

How many non-custodial parents are self-supporting through their
own contributions.

How many custodial parents are self-supporting - not using CS
funds for personal benefit (Housing, clothing, transportation...)

What percentage of child-support goes exclusively to the support of the

How many men have stopped recieving sex from their wives (or frequency,
quality,... reduced) after the child(ren) was conceived?  (Also known
as the Magdaline/Madonna pattern).

Is is appripriate for a man who has had few or no sexual partners prior
to becoming a father in wedlock to pay child support to a woman who
marries another man?

From Sun Feb 26 15:53:00 1995
Status: O