Date: Sun, 26 Feb 1995 15:52:57 -0500 (EST)
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interesting isn't it? The republicans got the majority, primarly from
non-custodial fathers tired of paying 70% of their income to others
(Federal, State, Local, and Child-support), and the first target
is the very group who put them in power in the first place.
Notice Newt Gingrich is truly a "dead-beat-dad" (defaulted on
child support, paid $100/month - "As much as the laundry bill").
After my ex-wife and her husband have paid for their house with
my child-support and the disibility I pay in, and they pull out
($1400/month total), there isn't much left for retirement. I
don't think my kids will be taking care of ME in my old age. My
Dad joined the bunch who took "early retirement", he's spending
what I might have received from Social Security.
If 3 out of 5 marriages end in divorce, and 60% of the kids
end up on child-support, how many single mothers want Newt
Gingrich Prying into their Private Lives? How many fathers,
having seen the dream of a family turn into a nightmere, want
to hear about "family values"?
The great myth is that of the man who leaves is devoted wife for some
cute woman 10 years younger than his wife, puts the new wife up in
a palace and leaves the ex and kids in abject poverty. Like Newt
Gingrich did.
The more frequent reality is that of the man who marries a woman who
wants children because she's supposed to have them. Most men KNOW
they are making a 20 year commitment to the child. The man must work
very hard to pay all the bills to support the family. He might be
working two jobs. The women gets tired of the "workaholic", and
starts looking for a "way out". The man must provide more and more,
while women becomes more dissatisfied. Often, she turns to drugs,
or starts working. Whatever the circumstances, she is no longer
committed to the marriage.
After anywhere from 6 months, to 7 years, the relationship becomes
a facade. Tharapists and marriage councellors do more damage than
good, because they promote the conflict rather than the concept of
unconditional love. As she sees other women in the early stages of
divorce, she sees that she can have her freedom and security at the
same time. Eventually, using tactics including withholding sex,
flaunting extramarital affairs, and emotional abuse. The result
is emotional castration of the man.
The man, driven by his own fear, anger, and frustruation, will
usually react, and rarely appropriately. He may become violent,
start drinking, have affairs, or just work very late. He may
act out against losing the love that meant so much in a variety
of ways. He is trapped in an abusive relationship with a woman
who no longer loves him, and he can do NOTHING about it.
He may even find out, from a lawyer, tharapist, or a friend, exactly what
the terms of his marriage liscense were. Interesting, we spend more than
12 years learning the history of the world and the constitution, but we
don't even spend 2 days reviewing the Uniform Dissolution of Marriage Act.
If the man just refuses to let go, the woman can find a lover who wants
to marry her. Now the original husband must face the ultimate humiliation
of being presented to the community as the selfish brute standing between
his wife and "True Love". The really stubborn husband may even find himself
legally responsible for her lovers child.
If the man reacts in any way, he is going to lose. If he is violent,
she can divorce him and brand him an abusive man. If he drinks, he
will be branded a drunkard. If he tries to find another lover, he
will be branded an unfaithful husband.
We've come a long way since my great-grandmother lost the homestead
because her husband ran off with the organist and women weren't allowed to
own property. Now, all a woman has to do is come up "in the pink" on the
home pregnancy test, and she can have her lover's balls removed through
his wallet. With the new bills coming up, men won't be able to own
anything, unless they have a vasectomy by the time they are 11.
We've created some new problems for ourselves. Until about 200 years ago,
the solution to an unfaithful wife was to have her burned as a witch. Her
lover could be burned as a witch too. Hitler started his concentration camps
with the mentally retarded, the mentally disturbed, the homosexuals,
then he went to the gypsies, then the Jews, then almost anyone who raised
the ire of the local Gestapo officers.
Within the next 6 months, we will see measures which include putting
single parent families (not legally married) into concentration camps
(those military bases closed down over the last 8 years make great
low-cost housing. They even come with fences that keep outsiders out, and
insiders in. All those women and children and NO MEN.
We will see "Work-Release" programs where men can work at whatever jobs they
already have, even take better jobs, but the federal beaurocracy will take
the entire paycheck, put them in a cheap hotel or studio apartment, or
even put them two to a room, until they have repaid their arrearages.
Even those who have been faithfully paying their support directly to their
estranged spouses will discover that they must prove through court
records, that they are paid-up. All the little side-deals won't make a
difference. If you think that all the good will you've built between you
will make a difference, what will she do when they start forcing her to go
to a social worker to be "interviewed" until she submits to filing a
non-payment complaint against you. Those women make drill-seargents look
like pussy-cats.
Oh, let's not forget the enhancements to "Megan's Law". Sex-Offenders
such as Cohabitators, Prostitutes, homosexuals, and others who engage in
sex of any type without a marital contract, will be lumped with
child-molesters and rapists.
And by the way, if you haven't paid up, or you are on federal aid,
you won't be able to vote. (Go ahead and register, it will make you
so much easier to find).
By the way, none of this has changed much since it was originally
proposed by the Klu Klux Klan back in 1919 as a means to persecute
minorities and "irresponsible factions of society".
There isn't much you can do. Get paid up, encourage others to do so,
avoid relationships with any woman receiving any form of public assistance,
and don't post on the internet. Good luck.
Rex Ballard.
From Sun Feb 26 16:00:04 1995
Status: O