Subject: Re: Advertising on Individual's Web server From: R Ballard Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 22:26:24 -0400 (EDT)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Advertising on Individual's Web server From: R Ballard Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 22:26:24 -0400 (EDT)
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On Mon, 10 Apr 1995, Adam Gaffin wrote:

> This might lead to some interesting questions at Individual's booth at
> Internet World (and here I am stuck in lowly Framingham, sniff):
> They're the people who buy feeds from a variety of publications and then
> sell them in database form.  This week, they're announcing the Web site
> The release then goes on to praise the values of "Relevance-Based
> Advertising," a fancy way of saying that the "ads" are only icons and only
> people who really want the info will click on them (it also implies Indi-
> vidual will charge by the hit rather than a more traditional route, but
> my apologies if I'm wrong).
More importantly, the ads are relevant to the content.  For example, if 
you read a press release for NetScape for Solaris, you can find out more 
about Netscape (all the way to ordering a copy) and more about Solaris 
(all the way to ordering a copy).

> So what happens if this site is successful (they do have some nice search
> tools) and you set up your own Web site, only to find yourself in competition
> with your own news?
First of all, you contract on a sliding periodic rate.  For example:
	First 10 Users - $300/month
	10-20 users	  $400/month+10/user/month
	100 users	$1000/month
	100+users	$1000/month+$3/user/month.
	10000+users	$20,000/month+$1/usr/month

Since they have to deal with the bill collecting, you can afford to give 
them a quantity discount.

> The URL, by the way, is
> Adam Gaffin

From Mon Apr 10 22:28:50 1995
Status: O